How will it end for joe

well I dont see trumpmforgetting where hes at what peoples names are or getting his wife and sister mixed up etc clear as a bell he got problems

I can top that. Trump said he doesn't know who David Duke is when he was asked. Forgetting names is just a fact of getting old. However a person who really has dementia forgets what they've said. Here ya go, watch and learn something.

I can top that. Trump said he doesn't know who David Duke is when he was asked. Forgetting names is just a fact of getting old. However a person who really has dementia forgets what they've said. Here ya go, watch and learn something.

Trump forgot who Q was too and claimed he never heard of it. Obviously demented. His adderall addiction may be catching up to him too.

Trump should have been a comedian, he makes me laugh every time he opens that anus mouth of his. He's actually said this about himself...."When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." He's correct about that he talks like he's in first grade.

Trump should have been a comedian, he makes me laugh every time he opens that anus mouth of his. He's actually said this about himself...."When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different." He's correct about that he talks like he's in first grade.

He's a Reality TV show host. He knows his audience and does provide humor all of his beta male cucks like to hear.

If you forget his lies and bullshit, his rallies really are entertaining. He's good at that. World's shittiest President, but good at rallies.
He's a Reality TV show host. He knows his audience and does provide humor all of his beta male cucks like to hear.

If you forget his lies and bullshit, his rallies really are entertaining. He's good at that. World's shittiest President, but good at rallies.

I agree but he makes a great comedian with his lines, like Windmill Cancer, injecting bleach, making up words like Covfefe or calling himself a genius. Love how he makes his own maps for storms. LOL How about throwing paper towels at victims of a severe hurricane. I really believe he's mentally ill but no one wants to admit it.

The only intelligent Trump who thinks like me.

I agree but he makes a great comedian with his lines, like Windmill Cancer, injecting bleach, making up words like Covfefe or calling himself a genius. Love how he makes his own maps for storms. LOL How about throwing paper towels at victims of a severe hurricane. I really believe he's mentally ill but no one wants to admit it.

The only intelligent Trump who thinks like me.


Agreed Trump is mentally ill, disagreed that 1) space tech is a waste of money and 2) forcing people to spend their money the way bleeding-heart Liberals prefer.

Without the space race, we'd all be talking on a party line. LOL

Improving health care
Experiments performed in space help us understand health problems on Earth.

Protecting our planet and our environment
Satellites provide data on climate change, measure pollution, and help protect our planet.

Creating scientific and technical jobs
The space sector generates high-tech jobs for Canadians.

Improving our day-to-day lives
Space technologies improve products we use every day, weather forecasts, and communications worldwide.

Enhancing safety on Earth
Satellites data can be used to predict natural disasters and to support emergency relief efforts.

Making scientific discoveries
Scientific breakthroughs are challenging our assumptions and pushing our boundaries by exploring the unknown.

Sparking youth's interest in science
Astronauts encourage young people to study science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Cooperating with countries around the world
Canada is a partner of the International Space Station, a research laboratory in space.
Agreed Trump is mentally ill, disagreed that 1) space tech is a waste of money and 2) forcing people to spend their money the way bleeding-heart Liberals prefer.

Without the space race, we'd all be talking on a party line. LOL

There is nothing out there so it doesn't interest me. We have powerful telescopes to tell us what's going on out there...I see no need for man to be going out there. I saw the space shuttle Challenger explode (in Florida that day) and I thought to myself what a waste of money... and now these people are all dead and for what accolades? We've been the moon nothing there, nothing on Mars either, so what's the point. The Hubble telescope shows us a lot more of what's out there. I prefer to explore this planet every chance I get. :)
Agreed Trump is mentally ill, disagreed that 1) space tech is a waste of money and 2) forcing people to spend their money the way bleeding-heart Liberals prefer.

Without the space race, we'd all be talking on a party line. LOL

There is nothing out there so it doesn't interest me. We have powerful telescopes to tell us what's going on out there...I see no need for man to be going out there. I saw the space shuttle Challenger explode (in Florida that day) and I thought to myself what a waste of money... and now these people are all dead and for what accolades? We've been the moon nothing there, nothing on Mars either, so what's the point. The Hubble telescope shows us a lot more of what's out there. I prefer to explore this planet every chance I get. :)
There is plenty out there, mostly resources.

Think about this: Where do you want the mines and the manufacturing plants? Next door on Earth or on the Moon? In the Asteroid Belt?

What about greenhouse gasses? Not a fucking problem in space.
There is plenty out there, mostly resources.

Think about this: Where do you want the mines and the manufacturing plants? Next door on Earth or on the Moon? In the Asteroid Belt?

What about greenhouse gasses? Not a fucking problem in space.

I said we have the Hubble telescope to see what's out there. The sun is what keeps us alive, without it we are all dead including this planet. And we will never land on the Sun which is the most important star in the universe for us to exist. The Ancient people knew that the Sun was the single most important star out there to this planet with the moon being second since it controls the tides or we would be totally covered in water. But the sun gives us oxygen, light and warmth. Try living without out those two....ain't goin happen.
I said we have the Hubble telescope to see what's out there. The sun is what keeps us alive, without it we are all dead including this planet. And we will never land on the Sun which is the most important star in the universe for us to exist. The Ancient people knew that the Sun was the single most important star out there to this planet with the moon being second since it controls the tides or we would be totally covered in water. But the sun gives us oxygen, light and warmth. Try living without out those two....ain't goin happen.

Dude, you might want to read more history. Also, it's not just exploring, it's exploiting resources in space so we don't have to rape the Earth to do it. It's moving all manufacturing and pollution off planet so Earth can be a big nature preserve while still supporting over 8 billion people.

...or we have a big war with a big plague and reduce the human population down to 100 million. It'll stink for awhile, but the Global Warming problem will be solved.
Your opinion of course. And I'm not a dude, I'm a Countess (female).

The sun isnt providing us with oxygen that comes from plants.
On day the sun will turn into a red gaint and engulf the earth . then it will shrink maybe become a black hole.
Radio telescopes and probes can jot properly explore space.
And theres probally a lot out there.
Joe and dutch will both go the same way. They will be sitting in a pile of their own shat and urine thinking they are 3 again and waiting for mommy to wipe the drool and pudding off their faces.
LOL How do you think plants grow???

From NASA and if you are really interested in learning about the sun there are several chapters to read. I'm giving you the first two.

The Sun and Us

Nothing is more important to us on Earth than the Sun. Without the Sun's heat and light, the Earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The Sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life on Earth.

We know the Sun through its heat and light, but other, less obvious aspects of the Sun affect Earth and society. Energetic atomic particles and X-rays from solar flares and other disturbances on the Sun often affect radio waves traveling the Earth's ionosphere, causing interference and even blackouts of long-distance radio communications. Disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field by solar phenomena sometimes induce huge voltage fluctuations in power lines, threatening to black out cities. Even such seemingly unrelated activities as the flight of homing pigeons, transatlantic cable traffic, and the control of oil flow in the Alaska pipeline apparently are interfered with by magnetic disturbances caused by events on the Sun. Thus, understanding these changes - and the solar events that cause them - is important for scientific, social, and economic reasons.

We have long recognized the importance of the Sun and watched it closely. Primitive people worshiped the Sun and were afraid when it would disappear during an eclipse. Since the early seventeenth century, scientists have studied it with telescopes, analyzing the light and heat that manage to penetrate our absorbing, turbulent atmosphere. Finally, we have launched solar instruments and ourselves-into space, to view the Sun and its awesome eruptions in their every aspect.

Once, when we looked at the Sun by the visible light that reaches the ground, it seemed an average, rather stable star. It was not exactly constant, but it seemed to vary in a fairly regular fashion, with a cycle of sun spots that comes and goes in about eleven years. Now the Space Age has given us an entirely different picture of the Sun. From space we have seen the Sun in other forms of light-ultra violet, X-rays, and gamma rays - that never reach the ground. This radiation turns out to be far more responsive to flare eruptions and other so-called solar activity.

We now see the Sun as a place of violent disturbances, with wild and sudden movements above and below its visible surface. In addition, the influence of solar activity seems to extend to much greater distances than we had believed possible. New studies of long series of historical records reveal that the Sun has varied in the past in strange and unexplained ways. Scientists wonder how such variations might affect the future climate on Earth.

We have obtained a clearer picture about the scope of the Sun's effects. Its magnetic field stretches through interplanetary space to the outer limits of the solar system. Steady streams and intense storms of atomic particles blow outward from the Sun, often encountering the atmospheres of our Earth and the other planets. The spectacular photos of the Earth from space show only part of the picture. Instruments carried on satellites reveal a wide variety of invisible phenomena - lines of magnetic force, atomic particles, electric currents, and a huge geocorona of hydrogen atoms - surrounding the Earth. Each is as complex and changing as the visible face of the globe. The Earth's magnetic field extends tens of thousands of miles into space, and many different streams of electrons and protons circulate within it. Huge electric currents flow around the Earth, affecting their high-altitude surroundings as well as our environment at ground level.

Space observations have greatly expanded our ability to look at the Sun, at interplanetary space, and at the immediate surroundings of the Earth itself.
Will he have another brain surgery and end up only being interested in the color of his Jello and and pudding.

Will back door harris arrange a accident

Will he be jailed

Will antifa knock him off.
Will he die in a cornhole match with dutch

President Biden will be re-elected on Tuesday, November 5, serves a second term, unlike some orange dimwitted, fool who lost an election and could not deal with the lost?!!

President Biden will be re-elected on [FONT=&]Tuesday[/FONT][FONT=&], [/FONT][FONT=&]November 5, serves a second term, unlike some orange dimwitted, fool who lost an election and could not deal with the lost?!!


yea sure he will and hillary will be president after that