How Wingnuts Made Violent Extremism the New Normal

trump is the Grand Wizard of the movement. He immediately challenged the black guy as an illegitimate POTUS. He kept the lie going for years, and the Nazis who were previously living under rocks finally had a voice on the national stage.

As POTUS he declared that anyone who wasn't immigrating from a majority white nation, was from a shithole country.

He ridiculed non white reporters as 'stupid'. He treated the paid black supporters as possessions to be referred to as 'mine'.

trump amplified the division in this nation that was started by the Teabaggers. It makes him millions, and is his only chance at winning an election.

Thankfully, the overwhelming majority in this country rejects him.

They are fighting a lost cause
Again, the fallacy of abstracting words from context.

Simple example: I am in my room alone and shout, "There is a fire, run for your lives!"
I am in a crowed restaurant and shout, "There is a fire, run for your lives!"
Context is important to understand the meaning of a sentence.
He did casually mention peaceful marching.

He then spent the next hour lying about the election, lying about the states that he lost, lying about voting machines, and lying about non whites voting illegally.

He incited the crowd to march to the Capitol, and closed by telling them to fight like hell or they won't have a country anymore.

I wonder how many remembered the passing comment about peaceful protest after his racist diatribe?
Are claiming Trump is a Democrat? After all, the KKK to which you allude, was an almost entirely Democrat cabal...

Ku Klux Klan not founded by the Democratic Party

THE FACTS: The Klan first emerged after the Civil War in an effort to intimidate Southern blacks to stay out of politics and to exploit their labor. It was created in Pulaski, Tennessee, by Confederate veterans: Frank McCord, Richard Reed, John Lester, John Kennedy, J. Calvin Jones and James Crowe
There were always the expected Hitler devotees who donned brown shirts and swastika armbands, as well as tattooed skinheads with threatening demeanor's, among the participants at the annual Aryan Congresses in Hayden Lake. But the large majority of the people I would interview at these gatherings looked and dressed like anyone else in Idaho at the time. More importantly, I came to recognize that their views were only extreme variations of ideas and beliefs—about the federal government or education or minority and women’s rights or homosexuality—that I knew were already common among my conservative Idaho neighbors, particularly among those already immersed in the far-right John Birch Society, which had long been a significant political presence in the state. They were only a few turns of the paranoia ratchet away from being the same....
There's some wackos out there. They scattered like cockroaches when Trump failed to pardon them and the Feds started arresting people.

The biggest irony for me was that many were turned in by their families, neighbors, etc. LOL

From the link:
The beliefs practiced at the Aryan Nations—whose official name was the Church of Jesus Christ Christian—are those of a racist sect called Christian Identity. It teaches that white people are the true Israelites, and that Jews are literally the descendants of Satan. Non-whites, in their belief system, are soul- less “mud people.” And its adherents preach that America, including its government, is in the grip of a satanic cabal that uses abortion as a kind of sacrifice to the devil. But in the context of recruitment, believers frequently muted their more bigoted beliefs and emphasized their hatred of modern secular society.

A number of people were attracted to the Aryan Nations less for their open bigotry than for their shared white-hot hatred of “decadent” liberal democracy and the U.S. government. Some of these were adherents to Gale’s Posse Comitatus ideology, which preached a kind of radical localism based on a twisted (as well as both anti-Semitic and racist) interpretation of the Constitution, claiming that the federal government’s powers—especially regarding civil rights laws—were extremely limited, that county sheriffs were the supreme law of the land, and that the FBI and other federal departments were illegitimate entities.
I'd never heard of "the Church of Jesus Christ Christian" but did recognized Christian Identity.–Christian
The Church of Jesus Christ–Christian is an American Christian Identity, white supremacist church, which was founded in 1946 by Ku Klux Klan organizer Wesley A. Swift. Swift was the son of a Methodist Episcopal Church, South minister and is considered a significant figure in the early years of the Christian Identity movement in the United States.[1] Swift's work and copyrights are carried on by Kingdom Identity Ministries.