How would you rather die?

How would you rather die?

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Had you rather die because you deserved it, or because you didn't?
That is the question.
Let's examine what is meant by the question...

Because you deserved it--
Simply means you have been bad, and deserved your just rewards. Could be all kinds of things, from killing people to cheating on a jealous husband/wife, stealing from the wrong person, overdosing on drugs, gangbanging, having sex with strangers... whatever. Point is, you enjoyed life to the fullest, and when you go, it will be because you can say you richly deserved it.

Because you didn't deserve it--
Means you die because you were the victim of standing for something you believed in. You stood on principles and upheld those until the end, and your end is met in conviction of those principles. Again, this can be all kinds of things... dying in war... defending the innocent... protecting your family... cops in the line of duty... firemen... etc. Point is, you didn't deserve to die, you died standing for what you believe in.
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I will die when life gets not worth living, barring accidents.
If hell exists, I will se ya there dixie sucking up to bush.

uggh pukey pukey that would be hell to be stuck with dixie and bush for eternity...
Either and both.

I'd like to die while really living which doesn't exclude living and standing on your principles. Some could look and say how I really LIVED, while others looking at the same life could say I really gave, put myself on the line, and lived by a set of principles.

Both would be right.

That is how I would like to go.
Really? Hitler didn't deserve to die?

I would rather die in my sleep.

Dix, you can just change "like" to rather in my previous response.
I'm gonna go with I would rather die If I deserved it.

I'll relate this to poker, when I play bad and lose I'm not nearly as mad as when I've known I've done everything right but some retard wins by being a moron. When I perform bad I feel as though it's in my control and I can make sure it happens less/never again. You can never prevent retards from being retarded however.

If I'm dying, I'm not going to be one happy camper. Dying sucks. At the end of the day I'm not gonna give a shit if I did something or not, I don't want to die.

However I think I would be much more tortured if I were innocent and being killed for some bullshit reason. If I were to die cause I did stuff, well at least I got a good raping out of it.
What about:
"peacefully in bed after a long, industrious life of helping to make this a better nation, and better world"
I'm gonna go with I would rather die If I deserved it.

I'll relate this to poker, when I play bad and lose I'm not nearly as mad as when I've known I've done everything right but some retard wins by being a moron. When I perform bad I feel as though it's in my control and I can make sure it happens less/never again. You can never prevent retards from being retarded however.

If I'm dying, I'm not going to be one happy camper. Dying sucks. At the end of the day I'm not gonna give a shit if I did something or not, I don't want to die.

However I think I would be much more tortured if I were innocent and being killed for some bullshit reason. If I were to die cause I did stuff, well at least I got a good raping out of it.

We're all dying and most of us fight it. To be born is to die. Actually it seems with the reality of abortion, you don't even have to be born, to die.

Yet we fight it. Last January my blood pressure spiked, since then I've lost 30 lbs., diet has become very healthy. Exercise is the key, though I did that even before.

Today I walked 8 miles, have done 5 loads of wash, and cleaned the floors on hands and knees. All is exercise, though the first was aerobic.

I'll still die, just be a better looking corpse. ;)