Howard Stern Asking Harlem Voters...

Dixie, first you rant about how Obama is going to turn us into a socialist, marxist nation. Then you go on about him getting rid of elections and setting himself as a dictator.

And then you turn around and tell us you don't care who wins? lmao

I think thats rather funny. People can say a lot of things about you, Dixie, but nobody ever said you weren't passionate about what you believe.

If you actually believe the things you have posted about Obama you could not possibly be as calm and happy as you claim.

LOL... It really does bother you guys that I am not miserable and upset, doesn't it? I mean, it's almost as if, that is your total motivation for voting for Obama, to make us 'Neocons' suffer! To hell with what he stands for, to hell with who he is, that doesn't matter... making us hurt is all that matters! LMFAO!

Well, as I said, I would rather McCain win. I love my country, I am proud of the noble efforts of millions in the armed services, who have given their lives for the freedom and liberty we enjoy. But if a bunch of idiots wants to piss it all away and take a chance on someone like Obama, there's not much I can do about it, so why worry? It was great while it lasted!

Like I have stated before, my 'wealth' was earned through the 90's and in the past 8 years, and is socked away in overseas investments at the moment. I have no 'wealth' in this country, save for some properties I own, which will probably be sold before Jan. 20th if Obama wins. So I really have no interest in what happens to "the wealthy" anymore, I am out of the game now. Go ahead and take ALL their wealth, it doesn't matter to me now, mine is safe. I kinda feel bad for my kids, that they will not have the opportunity I had in life, to realize the American Dream like I did, but they will be well taken care of. I've found a little loophole on the inheritance tax... not gonna tell you pricks what it is, but bottom line, you won't get a penny of my money when I die either. But good luck to you trying to find a way to pay for Liberal Utopia... I have a feeling "the wealthy" are about to dissipate rapidly.
LOL... It really does bother you guys that I am not miserable and upset, doesn't it? I mean, it's almost as if, that is your total motivation for voting for Obama, to make us 'Neocons' suffer! To hell with what he stands for, to hell with who he is, that doesn't matter... making us hurt is all that matters! LMFAO!

Well, as I said, I would rather McCain win. I love my country, I am proud of the noble efforts of millions in the armed services, who have given their lives for the freedom and liberty we enjoy. But if a bunch of idiots wants to piss it all away and take a chance on someone like Obama, there's not much I can do about it, so why worry? It was great while it lasted!

Like I have stated before, my 'wealth' was earned through the 90's and in the past 8 years, and is socked away in overseas investments at the moment. I have no 'wealth' in this country, save for some properties I own, which will probably be sold before Jan. 20th if Obama wins. So I really have no interest in what happens to "the wealthy" anymore, I am out of the game now. Go ahead and take ALL their wealth, it doesn't matter to me now, mine is safe. I kinda feel bad for my kids, that they will not have the opportunity I had in life, to realize the American Dream like I did, but they will be well taken care of. I've found a little loophole on the inheritance tax... not gonna tell you pricks what it is, but bottom line, you won't get a penny of my money when I die either. But good luck to you trying to find a way to pay for Liberal Utopia... I have a feeling "the wealthy" are about to dissipate rapidly.

Who wants to bet that Dixie's made-up fortune is going to be a huge meme on JPP in the future? I smell another 1/3!
I've tasted the American dream, because of George Bush's policies! You can believe me on that!

Well, if you believed in getting up off your lazy ass and working for something, you certainly could have tasted the American Dream under Bush's policies. The opportunity was certainly there, thousands prospered. I know a guy, he's about your age, back when Bush was first elected, he bought a $40 used lawn mower and started mowing lawns. He saved his money all summer, and bought a riding mower. Busted his ass for a couple summers and bough another zero-turn-radius mower and a trailer... kept at it, and bought weed eaters and edgers. He now has his own landscaping business. He will probably be one of those small businesses Obama plans to zap with higher taxes, but he did realize the dream for a little while. I know this other guy, he is about my age, came here from Russia, spoke very little English. He worked at a local print shop, didn't mind working overtime, saved his money diligently, and eventually bought a printing press. He now runs his own print shop. Now, it's nothing fancy, he rents space in an old warehouse building, and isn't able to do a lot of advertising, but it's his business and he does well with it. I know a woman in her mid-thirties, divorced with 3 kids, was living in low-income housing, working at a department store. She bought some cleaning supplies and printed up some business cards on her computer, and now works full time cleaning offices, making about triple what she was making in retail for about half the hours. These are just a few examples, this country is full of them.

You want the Government to give you stuff. You don't want to actually work for anything, you are far too lazy to do that! You see all of these people out there, who are driving nice cars, spending money on all kinds of frivolous luxuries, and you think to yourself, that isn't fair... YOU should have that kind of lifestyle too! So your answer is, elect a Socialist who promises to take their shit and give it to you! That's what you expect, and how you expect things to go down. It's why you are an idiot, Waterhead. That isn't reality, and things don't work out that way in the real world. But, you will find this out the hard way, no one can tell you anything, because you think you've got it all figured out. Good Luck!!
Well, if you believed in getting up off your lazy ass and working for something, you certainly could have tasted the American Dream under Bush's policies. The opportunity was certainly there, thousands prospered. I know a guy, he's about your age, back when Bush was first elected, he bought a $40 used lawn mower and started mowing lawns. He saved his money all summer, and bought a riding mower. Busted his ass for a couple summers and bough another zero-turn-radius mower and a trailer... kept at it, and bought weed eaters and edgers. He now has his own landscaping business. He will probably be one of those small businesses Obama plans to zap with higher taxes, but he did realize the dream for a little while. I know this other guy, he is about my age, came here from Russia, spoke very little English. He worked at a local print shop, didn't mind working overtime, saved his money diligently, and eventually bought a printing press. He now runs his own print shop. Now, it's nothing fancy, he rents space in an old warehouse building, and isn't able to do a lot of advertising, but it's his business and he does well with it. I know a woman in her mid-thirties, divorced with 3 kids, was living in low-income housing, working at a department store. She bought some cleaning supplies and printed up some business cards on her computer, and now works full time cleaning offices, making about triple what she was making in retail for about half the hours. These are just a few examples, this country is full of them.

You want the Government to give you stuff. You don't want to actually work for anything, you are far too lazy to do that! You see all of these people out there, who are driving nice cars, spending money on all kinds of frivolous luxuries, and you think to yourself, that isn't fair... YOU should have that kind of lifestyle too! So your answer is, elect a Socialist who promises to take their shit and give it to you! That's what you expect, and how you expect things to go down. It's why you are an idiot, Waterhead. That isn't reality, and things don't work out that way in the real world. But, you will find this out the hard way, no one can tell you anything, because you think you've got it all figured out. Good Luck!!

I know this guy you see, and this other guy, and this other guy you see, busted his ass, you see.

I myself have a small fortune built up as well, and it's all due to President Bush lower taxes on the rich 3%.
Well, if you believed in getting up off your lazy ass and working for something, you certainly could have tasted the American Dream under Bush's policies. The opportunity was certainly there, thousands prospered. I know a guy, he's about your age, back when Bush was first elected, he bought a $40 used lawn mower and started mowing lawns. He saved his money all summer, and bought a riding mower. Busted his ass for a couple summers and bough another zero-turn-radius mower and a trailer... kept at it, and bought weed eaters and edgers. He now has his own landscaping business. He will probably be one of those small businesses Obama plans to zap with higher taxes, but he did realize the dream for a little while. I know this other guy, he is about my age, came here from Russia, spoke very little English. He worked at a local print shop, didn't mind working overtime, saved his money diligently, and eventually bought a printing press. He now runs his own print shop. Now, it's nothing fancy, he rents space in an old warehouse building, and isn't able to do a lot of advertising, but it's his business and he does well with it. I know a woman in her mid-thirties, divorced with 3 kids, was living in low-income housing, working at a department store. She bought some cleaning supplies and printed up some business cards on her computer, and now works full time cleaning offices, making about triple what she was making in retail for about half the hours. These are just a few examples, this country is full of them.

You want the Government to give you stuff. You don't want to actually work for anything, you are far too lazy to do that! You see all of these people out there, who are driving nice cars, spending money on all kinds of frivolous luxuries, and you think to yourself, that isn't fair... YOU should have that kind of lifestyle too! So your answer is, elect a Socialist who promises to take their shit and give it to you! That's what you expect, and how you expect things to go down. It's why you are an idiot, Waterhead. That isn't reality, and things don't work out that way in the real world. But, you will find this out the hard way, no one can tell you anything, because you think you've got it all figured out. Good Luck!!

Dixie I've told you a million times never exagerate.

I don't expect a Democratic government to give me nothing. I expect them to end the failed policies of a failed presidency of a party dominated by reactionary authoritarian plutocrats. I expect them to be competent and effective at governance. I expect them to return us to the prosperity that Bush decided was only acceptable for his buddies. I expect them to end Bush's socialism for the wealthy. I expect them to end Bush's and the Republicants devisiveness. I expect them to return us to Democracy and turn away from the oligarchy that Bush and extremist Republicants have tried to make of this nation.

Your narrow ideological brand of extremism had it's day and showed that it was utterly lacking. Time to move on now as more than 70% of the people in this nation have seen your vision of America and have rejected it.

Bye bye!
"I mean, it's almost as if, that is your total motivation for voting for Obama, to make us 'Neocons' suffer! To hell with what he stands for, to hell with who he is, that doesn't matter... making us hurt is all that matters!"

Well, part of that is true. I DO want you & the idiots who were so over-the-top gaga about Bush to suffer, because a lot of people have suffered because of you, and you are oblivious to it. At least many Bush voters have come around to that realization, but there is a small bastion that hangs on, and - like you - see no irony at all in lecturing us about how we're about to "destroy America" when Bush has left us with a potential sequel to the 1930's and his years have been defined by an unnecessary war that killed 10's of thousands, created millions of refugees and laid waste to our credibility around the globe.

But no - according to a simpleton like you, it's "about to all go downhill now."

Like I said, though, it's only partly true, because I am genuinely excited about an Obama Presidency, and about his proposals for the nation. It will also be great to have someone with genuine intellect back in the Oval Office; it's been a long drought.

But I'm good on both counts, because Obama is about to be elected, and you are clearly in a state of raging denial about your misery.