Howey's BFF Grind agrees Howey would piss his pants if he actually debated me

Today, 02:11 PM
Grind's BFF
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putting someone on your ignore list doesn't mean a whole lot if you are always starting threads about them. Howey is inside your head probably more than anyone else.
putting someone on your ignore list doesn't mean a whole lot if you are always starting threads about them. Howey is inside your head probably more than anyone else.

i put him on ignore afterwards. he isn't in my head. i'm home sick and enjoy toying with the retard, but got bored, so i put him on ignore because he never debates an actual issue and just lies. funny how you ignore his threads and posts about me....typical.

darla along now grind.
you don't debate any issues either. Every post I see from you is whining about some other poster.

I have no problem with you doing that, in an inherent sense, I just want you to have self awareness.

I have had howey pm me laughing on occasions over all this stuff. He knows he riles you up, and he's intelligent enough to know when he's being serious and when he isn't. For you there is apparently only one gear. You tell people to stop obsessing over you at the same time that you have two threads dedicated to a specific poster on off topic. I dont see any posts dedicated to you on off topic . . .I mean, that's some strong cognitive dissonance you have their buddy. It's just a total joke.

I actually enjoy it from a spectator standpoint, I laugh my ass off at this stuff.

As for the darla stuff it's a pathetic argument, and shows how weak your position is. Even ILA, who hates darlas guts, is now calling you out on your baby bullshit. So is tom. both those guys don't like darla, and darla hates them in return... but they are agreeing with me.

You either need to get self awareness and just admit you are conducting one big laughathon, or you need mental help.
you don't debate any issues either. Every post I see from you is whining about some other poster.

I have no problem with you doing that, in an inherent sense, I just want you to have self awareness.

I have had howey pm me laughing on occasions over all this stuff. He knows he riles you up, and he's intelligent enough to know when he's being serious and when he isn't. For you there is apparently only one gear. You tell people to stop obsessing over you at the same time that you have two threads dedicated to a specific poster on off topic. I dont see any posts dedicated to you on off topic . . .I mean, that's some strong cognitive dissonance you have their buddy. It's just a total joke.

I actually enjoy it from a spectator standpoint, I laugh my ass off at this stuff.

As for the darla stuff it's a pathetic argument, and shows how weak your position is. Even ILA, who hates darlas guts, is now calling you out on your baby bullshit. So is tom. both those guys don't like darla, and darla hates them in return... but they are agreeing with me.

You either need to get self awareness and just admit you are conducting one big laughathon, or you need mental help.

your first sentence is all i need to know you're nothing but a dishonest shithead like howey.

sad, but true.
here is me never debating and every post is about another user:

-- the living constitution debate is one that probably cannot be broken down in a simple post, nonetheless, it can be discussed. i don't believe in all the ideas of a living constitution (various theories), however, i believe our judicial system is set up to interpret the constitution. the manner of interpretation should always start with the founders intent, so long as it can be established. this of course is rather difficult, as can be seen with second amendment arguments and grammar - comma vs. semi-colon etc.... if our courts cannot determine the intent from the founders, then we enter a grey area, despite the fact that scotus has given itself plenary power to review and make determinations regarding the constitution, which i will note, the legislature has not overturned. in essence, i believe the constitution is not set in stone, the courts are empowered to interpret it, however, if a fundamental change occurs, it should be by the legislative branch and not the courts. question then becomes, what if the issue is abortion? and on and on.

-- marriage is a fundamental right. marriage, as it stands now, is a contract under STATE law. of course, then the issue becomes the full faith and credit clause. under current laws, no relationship that is legal should be denied marriage. thus, under current laws, gay marriage should absolutely be legal. that said, the government should get out of marriage, call any contract with the state a 'civil union', because in reality, that is all it really is, a civil contract between two people and the state. let marriage stay with the people and not the government.

-- drugs. it boggles my mind how marijuana is a class 1 drug, given, the numerous scientific studies that show it does in fact have medical value. alcohol prohibition failed, again FAILED and we had to make an amendment to change it back to legal status. it is important to note that it took a constitution amendment to make alcohol prohibited, YET, no such amendment ever existed for marijuana, or any other drug for that matter. that, alone, should make federal drug unconstitutional and as such, should fall to the states under the 10th.

with that in mind, i do not support legalization of any other schedule 1 drug, other than marijuana. their addictive propensities far outweigh any federal intrusion with drugs. but when it comes down to it, again, this should be left to the states. using the commerce clause to enforce federal drug laws is a fracking sham.

-- military spending needs to be CUT. i'm not sure we need to close a lot of bases, rather, the spending on highfalutin military projects that go no where, spending ridiculous amounts of money for something, that with a little oversight, we could spend less on. we spend more on our military than several major powers combined, not necessary at this point in time.

-- healthcare. expand medicaid to include all ages, cut waste and get rid of obamacare. our poor should not be denied medical coverage as it only harms the country vs. helps it. i don't think there is a constitutional way to control medical costs, but something along those lines should be considered. they are exorbitant and no other industrial nation has the sky high costs we do. now, i know that we enjoy some of the best medical care in the country, but, only for the rich. there is no way that it should be this way.

i could go on...but that is all for now

poor grind, so p-whipped by darla he can't even see reality anymore

You have absolutely no proof for that apart from Howey's word, which is suspect to say the least. Are you really that gullible to believe that shit?

I've seen some of the petty shit BHY is willing to do on these boards, so I wouldn't put it past him to do that.
Wow, you are lying. You can't see his IP on this board, and you know you can't. However, the attempt to make it appear as if you have some knowledge is pretty sad. People here know that if you were posting actual information of such a private nature you would be banned from this site. Please, just quit it.
