Howeys recent comments


on indefiniate mod break
There's a certain group of trolls on this forum, Patrician, USF, ILA, Philly and a couple of others who's only goal is to troll and attack posters they don't like. One or two of them have posted personal information of mine and others.

To this day howey has failed to provide us any evidence of this.

Notice how he says one *or* two? Notice how ambiguous that very sentence is? If you are claiming people posted your personal information, don't you think you would know EXACTLY who did it and when?

When I ask about it, I'm required to submit details such as time, date, when, where, how, and so on...even when the matter's been discussed in PM after PM.

As opposed to giving howey carte blanche to just point the finger and have us permanently ban someone from the site? You know, if you say "someone has posted my personal info," all you have to do is give us a link. This honestly isn't that complicated. Howey routinely fails to do this most basic task. Other times he'll claim someone has posted his personal information when it turns out howey himself had already posted about the same subject many times all over the board.

I certainly don't mean to compare rape victims to this forum, but the situation is the same. The person making the claim is automatically a liar in the eyes of the authorities (in this case, the mods).

Not every person, just you, for the most part. You are the only person that we have to drag the bare minmum of evidence out of like pulling teeth with pliers, and then when we do, the stuff you give us is usually not even against the rules. You let your personal hatred for some posters continually cloud your judgement. Or you just want us to ignore our own standards.

This country couldn't survive in Ayn Rand World, and this forum is cluttered with crap from trolls with no common sense.

This forum has more than a million posts. People have clicked the submit button more than a MILLION times. The people that post here have been doing so for years and with a big chunk of them, have posted for more than a decade. Even others that complain a lot, still manage to post here. INCLUDING YOU.
Whenever people find out about our forum, they routinely call it the best they have yet found. Because even though it may not be the most populated, it's a forum that puts the burden of experiencing it on the end user. You make your own fate here. Ignore the trolls or engage them.

You cannot possibly say our rules doom our forum to failure. Our forum has been chugging along just fine.

Case in point: 007 was banned for trolling posts, yet USF, Patrician, and the others have been guilty of the same for a lot longer. None contribute anything to the forum. Ever.

Classic Howey whitewashing. I put in bold exactly why 007 was banned along with more than 10 quotes of him calling people pedos. rule 14 was an add on, but he could (and was) outright banned just for the rule 12 stuff as well. Additionally, being a troll here is NOT against the rules. It just means that if you are a full on troll, you post at the mods discretion.

Then there's people like me who allow these trolls to accomplish their goal. We allow them to "get to us" and fight back while the trolls and the mods giggle and slap each other on the backs, enjoying the page hits and drama. Another case in point: The accusations and lies, actually libel, of USF regarding jb, someone who doesn't even post on this forum.

Well that's on you.

So when I bitch about this stuff, I name names. However, since all the trolls sound alike in their attacks, and since this forum is inundated with literally thousands of posts from the three or four of them in a single day, it's impossible to verify - so I get the wrong one sometimes, or the wrong picture posted, or something like that. It still happened, just another troll did it. But I'm the liar, therefore, can't be believed.

You get the wrong one often, or just fail to provide even the most basic of evidence. There has NEVER ONCE been a time where us mods had a piece of clear and concise evidence that we haven't acted on it. The problem for you is you simply never do this. ever.

And you DO lie. I don't think everything you have said is just a mistake, I think you have to know that when you talk about "JB" and then someone else asks "hey is that JB?" and you then say you are having your personal info violated, that what you are doing is basically just trying to manipulate us into your ban patrol.

can't see their posts when most of them are in a section that can't be seen? Ignoring hatred doesn't make it go away, neither in Ayn Rand World or JPP.

From your subjective perspective (the only one that matters) - yes it does go away. You don't see it, it's not there.

I can't even see legitimate discussions go on because all I see is this:

This message is hidden because Patrician is on your ignore list.

So your call patrician a troll but at the same time you say you are missing out on "legitimate discussions" because you can't see the trolls posts? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

Here's the thing. You don't like drama, don't create it or fan the fires.

I am very confident if you just stopped all your bitching 90% of the drama on here would evaporate.

You can't throw USF, patrician, ILA, etc to the wolves. We aren't going to ban them just because you say so. If they violate personal info, give us a motherfucking link. Very easy. Otherwise shut the fuck up about them. If you can't handle the things they say, then leave this site. We aren't going to ban people that haven't broken the rules.
To this day howey has failed to provide us any evidence of this.

Notice how he says one *or* two? Notice how ambiguous that very sentence is? If you are claiming people posted your personal information, don't you think you would know EXACTLY who did it and when?

As opposed to giving howey carte blanche to just point the finger and have us permanently ban someone from the site? You know, if you say "someone has posted my personal info," all you have to do is give us a link. This honestly isn't that complicated. Howey routinely fails to do this most basic task. Other times he'll claim someone has posted his personal information when it turns out howey himself had already posted about the same subject many times all over the board.

Not every person, just you, for the most part. You are the only person that we have to drag the bare minmum of evidence out of like pulling teeth with pliers, and then when we do, the stuff you give us is usually not even against the rules. You let your personal hatred for some posters continually cloud your judgement. Or you just want us to ignore our own standards.

This forum has more than a million posts. People have clicked the submit button more than a MILLION times. The people that post here have been doing so for years and with a big chunk of them, have posted for more than a decade. Even others that complain a lot, still manage to post here. INCLUDING YOU.
Whenever people find out about our forum, they routinely call it the best they have yet found. Because even though it may not be the most populated, it's a forum that puts the burden of experiencing it on the end user. You make your own fate here. Ignore the trolls or engage them.

You cannot possibly say our rules doom our forum to failure. Our forum has been chugging along just fine.

Classic Howey whitewashing. I put in bold exactly why 007 was banned along with more than 10 quotes of him calling people pedos. rule 14 was an add on, but he could (and was) outright banned just for the rule 12 stuff as well. Additionally, being a troll here is NOT against the rules. It just means that if you are a full on troll, you post at the mods discretion.

Well that's on you.

You get the wrong one often, or just fail to provide even the most basic of evidence. There has NEVER ONCE been a time where us mods had a piece of clear and concise evidence that we haven't acted on it. The problem for you is you simply never do this. ever.

And you DO lie. I don't think everything you have said is just a mistake, I think you have to know that when you talk about "JB" and then someone else asks "hey is that JB?" and you then say you are having your personal info violated, that what you are doing is basically just trying to manipulate us into your ban patrol.

From your subjective perspective (the only one that matters) - yes it does go away. You don't see it, it's not there.

So your call patrician a troll but at the same time you say you are missing out on "legitimate discussions" because you can't see the trolls posts? That doesn't make a lot of sense.

I am very confident if you just stopped all your bitching 90% of the drama on here would evaporate.

You can't throw USF, patrician, ILA, etc to the wolves. We aren't going to ban them just because you say so. If they violate personal info, give us a motherfucking link. Very easy. Otherwise shut the fuck up about them. If you can't handle the things they say, then leave this site. We aren't going to ban people that haven't broken the rules.

Howey is a drama queen on steroids.
Well i don't get all this mod drama on this board lately. I have seen a lot of criticism of the mods here, and I don't get it. I think the mods are probably as good as you are going to get on a board that mods from the libertarian philosophy. Really only one time Damo really pissed me off, and he was wrong in his response, but you know, so what? Grind is awesome, and Billy who personally dislikes me, perhaps despises, has been very fair to me and never let his feelings cloud a judgement. So how can the mods here be bad? They just aren't.

Grind I just hope you don't leave the moderation team.
To this day howey has failed to provide us any evidence of this.

Notice how he says one *or* two? Notice how ambiguous that very sentence is? If you are claiming people posted your personal information, don't you think you would know EXACTLY who did it and when?

I'll just post a couple because you're really not worth the effort of going through every PM but I would like to point out it was done, which makes you the liar, not me. Since he was banned for sixty days, I guess I didn't lie, huh?

We don't really care.


Here's the first:

Howey said:
The Kicker of Elves said:
Howey said:
Huh? THAT is a picture of me, jb, his brother, wife and kid. Taken at Thanksgiving. Didn't I give you the link to my FB?

Why aren't you permanently banning him? Hasn't he been here for years? Are you saying he's not aware of the rules? Are you saying he would violate the rules twice in a thirty minute period and think he would get away with a temp ban? Or nothing?

i misspoke, i meant for you to confirm that it was indeed you.

as to the permaban, we dont' have a set policy but precedent wise we've usually been using a 3 strikes policy. maybe we'll talk it over in the 60 days while he's gone (which is what we've settled on) but for now I think we are putting him down for 60 days.

That's fine. I would admit to be the hot tall guy, but that's the hub. :)

Howey said:
The Kicker of Elves said:
Howey said:
The Kicker of Elves said:
Howey said:
The Kicker of Elves said:
what's the picture of and why is it in a directory called "southernmanpics"

this is a bit confusing.

Also have you mentioned your full name on here before? Be sure to be accurate because if you are wrong it wont be good for anyone.

No. I don't think I have not posted my last name on here.

"Southerman"? I guess that's her husband?

it's your site... you have a folder for southernman

basically did he post a picture of you or not?

He took it directly from my FB page.


do you have a photobucket? cause that's where DY linked it to... he might have already snagged the image and uploaded it himself.

He must have.

Now, here's another one addressing USF's constant diatribe against jb. I'm including the part about Tom since he likes to stick his nose in all this:

Howey said:
I am doing something about it, whether or not you see it that way. I am trying to mediate and get both sides to stop insulting each other. Perish the thought that ILA would stop calling you names and insulting you. If we can get him to STOP, isn't that what you would ultimately desire from him? You both win out!

lol..I'm going to ignore him starting tomorrow. Just wanted to get a few more licks in. :)

probably not.

Here it is. I understand y'all don't want to be told what to do, but someday someone will make the same mistake on here that ILA did to another far less tolerant of it than me. As I said, both ekg and I saw a forum shut down over the exact same thing.

Damo: The N-Word and Defamation

Quote Originally Posted by Damocles View Post
Howey is in the running for the Hall of Fame on this one. I'm sick of deleting crap with sexualized children. That his joke in this thread about masturbation was funny doesn't make the references to sex and kids in other threads any better.
Since you once again have determined to discuss this in public, let's do just that.

Here's a post I recently made regarding personal attacks on this forum:

Quote Originally Posted by Aoxomoxoa View Post
I wonder if you will include Bijou as well, probably not?
The mere definition of a troll is to elicit extreme words from others. In this regard, all three board trolls, Yurtroll, USF, and ILA excel in their stated purpose to disrupt discussion by succeeding in eliciting those responses from myself, Darla, Bijou and others.
I think that if you went back and looked, I'm guilty of this when provoked. I'm not proud of it, but the goal of trolls like USF, Yurt, and ILA is to provoke, and at times I, Darla, and others whom they attack react negatively.

Everyone on this forum calls each other stupid, an idiot, pinheads, etc. Calling names is part of the game. There are certain names that should rise above this in our society, and using the N-word is one of them. The sole purpose of using the N-word is to provoke. Using it doesn't even indicate racism anymore because we already know the writer is undeniably racist. It merely confirms the fact.

Jokes about rape are something similar. Rape is such a sensitive discussion point nowadays, discussion of it is bound to bring out the worst in all of us. Why? Because of the inclination of some people to show disrespect for a woman's body, her integrity, pride, and soul.

Rape affects a woman in ways a man cannot understand. It's about submission and power. A mind of a woman is often confused, angry, and above all, shamed by the act that occurred. Blame our society for that inasmuch as the greatest majority of rapes go unreported.

Next, we have AIDS. Accusing a person categorically of having AIDS, as some have done on this forum, is defamation. It is one of the few charges that is prosecutable in a civil court of law. To deny this fact behind excuses of "Well, I allow everything else!" is childish, ignorant, and homophobic.

The main problem with proving defamation of character is the protection of free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. Courts generally agree that an opinion, no matter how malicious, is not the same as a stated fact. If the disgruntled customer had said "Don't eat at Joe's Cafe. I think the food is lousy and the chef is sick," then defamation of character would be difficult to prove. Other people can still form different opinions. Once the customer said "Don't eat at Joe's Cafe. I know the chef and he has AIDS," then a statement of fact has occurred and a claim of defamation of character can be pursued.

Another problem concerning defamation of character is the actual truth of the statement. Some may argue that in order for defamation of character to occur, the alleged victim actually has to have character to defame in the first place. Calling a known neighborhood bully a 'thug' in the local paper wouldn't qualify as defamation of character, because it isn't a statement against fact. The truth is, the truthfulness of the statement isn't always a factor in actual court proceedings. In our hypothetical case, the court would assume the chef does not in fact have AIDS and the defendant knew this at the time the statements were made.

Very few defamation of character lawsuits actually reach the level of a court trial. Many are settled privately, in order to avoid even more damage from publicity. Since actual damages must be demonstrated, some cases are dismissed because the statements or accusations do not rise to the level of actual slander or libel. Hurt feelings or a loss of social standing may not reach the legal definition of damages. What few defamation of character cases do reach the court system are usually local in nature, such as a city councilman suing his local newspaper for implying he accepted a bribe.

In our case of the chef and the disgruntled customer, damages could most likely be demonstrated by restaurant sales records and testimony from other customers who heard the slanderous statements firsthand. Even if medical tests revealed that the chef did indeed have a medical condition, that fact alone would not mitigate the customer's obvious malicious intent. The customer was not working in the public's best interest at the time. Under these circumstances, the court would most likely find in favor of the plaintiff and order the defendant to pay punitive damages.

This is generally the same legal mechanism which allows celebrities to successfully sue tabloid publications. A truthful but malicious statement can still be considered defamation of character under the right circumstances.
So, there you have it. This is a forum. Big deal. But sometimes, words typed on a forum shouldn't be. It doesn't take a lawyer to figure that out.

When using the N-word, one does not care about the hundreds of years of suffering of blacks at the hands of whites.

In the case of rape jokes, you have no idea the effect may have on a woman who has actually survived the event.

In the case of categorically stating someone has AIDS, one pays little credence to the fact that the person may have lost literally dozens, if not hundreds, of dear friends to a horrible disease that affects not just the gay community, but the heterosexual community, the victim's familes and loved ones.

This is your forum. It's up to YOU to do the right thing in this case and stop the trolling before your forum deteriorates to the level of a schoolyard playground and implodes. Let's hope you make an adult decision.

Now that I've proven I'm not a liar, leave me alone. Ignore me, ban me, do whatever the fuck you want (you do that anyhow). Put me on forced ignore with both you and that PTSD infected nutcase Billy for all I care, because I'm sure you won't apologize.

Excellent post. I am a happy man that everyone sees through Howeys victim, pity me act.

I know I am no saint, but then I never claimed to be. I like to mix in some troll with some substance. That is fun for me. Whether the libbies respond is irrelevant to me.

This is by far the best message board I have been on. Contrary to popular opinion, I have only ever joined two this and another from which I was banned.

This place cuts you so much slack it is almost surreal. That is why I don't take advantage of it. Howey speeds his days taunting and baiting people into things trying to get them banned. It is pathetic. I bet he probably clogs the mods PMs with BS. I would have banned him for promoting his BS board, but the mods rightly know it would give the pathetic site credence.

What idiot posts images from Photobucket with your personal info? Oh yeah. Howey

He is a ducking twit. That is why I have the douche tip in IA
Howey I don't know what the lie was or what your PM's proved, and I'm not stepping into the middle of this right now, though I may. But I really hope that rape stuff isn't about me, since you preface it by stating it's about Tom, it makes me wonder. I would not appreciate you and Grind discussing my posts about rape. Also your claims that women are emotional about rape and men can't understand it are wrong. Firstly, many men have been raped themselves. I have had a man cry in my arms about a rape which took place when he was a juvenile and he never really got over it, and he was ashamed, and I was the only woman he was ever able to tell. I have also had a different man cry over something that didn't happen to him but to someone else and I told him about it. And he cried over it. So you know what, your claims about rape really do such a disservice to men. Human beings are emotional about rape. Animals aren't.
Now that I've proven I'm not a liar, leave me alone. Ignore me, ban me, do whatever the fuck you want (you do that anyhow). Put me on forced ignore with both you and that PTSD infected nutcase Billy for all I care, because I'm sure you won't apologize.

posting PMs?.......
I'll just post a couple because you're really not worth the effort of going through every PM but I would like to point out it was done, which makes you the liar, not me. Since he was banned for sixty days, I guess I didn't lie, huh?


Here's the first:

Now, here's another one addressing USF's constant diatribe against jb. I'm including the part about Tom since he likes to stick his nose in all this:

Now that I've proven I'm not a liar, leave me alone. Ignore me, ban me, do whatever the fuck you want (you do that anyhow). Put me on forced ignore with both you and that PTSD infected nutcase Billy for all I care, because I'm sure you won't apologize.

Is anyone buying this crap?
dont know what the point of those pm's were above. maybe howey is delusional or something and sees something that isn't there. He does this a lot though, just randomly copypastas and hopes most people will be too bored to sus out that they are meaningless.

Also howey, we were saying we didn't care about specific pm you shared, but don't push it.
God, this thread makes me smile. I may not be able to see 75% of the comments, but I can tell more than a few posters are butthole befuddled/anally anguished.