How's That Swampy Drainy Thing Workin Out For Ya? Hunh? Has Corruption Been Reduced?


Diversity Makes Greatness
Trump has put, in many cases, the WORST possible choice for people to be in charge of things.

What does 'Drain The Swamp' mean? I took that to mean that Trump was going to clean up corruption in our government. To me, Corruption is the old Pay-Off. Big money goes into our government, figures out who to grease, and gets things done their way so they can get even richer. Right? That's corruption. That's the dirt, the muck. That's what we call 'The Swamp,' and that's what we are tired of, Right? So when we talk of draining the swamp, we want to have a clean government without this kind of corruption. I figured draining the swamp was a GREAT idea. Get rid of corruption.

So it's hard to understand why all these people who agreed with Trump that we need to Drain The Swamp are not angry with him for not doing that. He has made government corruption worse. So many of these government agencies are now doing the OPPOSITE of what they were supposed to do!

Education? The Secretary wants to kill public education and turn it into another for-profit business that primarily serves the rich and fails the poor.

Environment? You might as well change it to the Destruction of the Environment Department. Call it DED. And Dead is what everything is going to be if they had their way for long enough.
Or maybe it should just be called the Energy Industry Protection Agency. That's about exactly what they do now.

Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau?
Give us a break! Why do we have these agencies which do the exact opposite of what their name says they are? They took a fantastically wonderful operation created under Obama, the CFPB which, under Obama, forced greedy corporations to return $12 billion fraudulently ripped off dollars to more than 29 million Americans and THEY GUTTED it.

President Donald Trump and the regulators he appointed are taking a far less aggressive approach to consumer protection than their predecessors, delaying key regulations and imposing fewer penalties against financial institutions and other corporations accused of wrongdoing, according to a Washington Post review of available data and interviews with consumer advocates and government officials.

At the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, for example, enforcement actions have dropped from an average of three-to-five each month during the past four years down to zero since a Trump appointee took charge of the agency in late November.

PoliTalker anti-troll thread thief disclaimer:
If this thread is stolen, plagiarized, will the thief have the nerve to use the entire OP, word for word? Including this disclaimer?

If you want my take on it, you'll have to post to this original PoliTalker thread. I refuse to be an enabler for online bullies, so I won't post to a stolen thread. I won't even read it.

Thread thievery is the tool of trolls. It's what people do when they have been so impolite they got banned from a conversation. And then they're sorry and they feel left out. So they steal the thread, call it their own. Then they think they can be in the original conversation. But they can't. If you think thread thievery is cheap and low then don't support it. Save your comments for the original PoliTalker thread. PoliTalker thanks you.

The people banned from this thread were banned because they refused to be polite, so I refuse to talk to them. I came to talk about Just Plain Politics. That's why I am 'PoliTalker.'

Chicago Tribune

What ever happened to that SWAMPY DRAINY THING, anyway? Hunh?

Ya don't hear that too much any more. Why isn't Trump yelling DRAIN THE SWAMP at his rallies any more? Hunh?

Go figure.

He IS the swamp. And we need to drain our government of HIM.
They meant 'drain the swamp of anything even remotely liberal, anything beneficial to the poor and sick and old and laws we don't like'.
I guess you need nastier critters to run them out

Or maybe the plan is for them to kill each other

Maybe that is whats taking place

send in some contaminated creatures

they join with the swamp creatures and while they are busy contaminating each other we sick the justice system in to drain the water

lots of flopping creatures merely slowly die
Donny is just the biggest nastier creature

he so loved us he sacrificed himself to save us

What a hero

there you go trumpanzies

you can love trumpy and still be happy all the evil republicans and trumpies have gone down
Does Trump figure the way to end corruption is to ramp it up and make it so blatant that it gets everyone's attention and then they take definitive action against it?
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Does Trump figure the way to end corruption is to ramp it up and make it so blatant that it gets everyone's attention and then they definitive take action against it?
Yes, he creates a mess, then reverses what he did and claims victory! It’s the craziest administration, ever!
Whatever happened to that SWAMPY DRAINY THING?

The first two congressmen to endorse Trump in February, 2016 - Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) and Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) - are now awaiting trial for, respectively, securities fraud and misuse of campaign funds.

Hey, it's a start!

Otoh, Hunter says that the indictment is a "witch hunt" carried out by the "deep state", so I don't know what to think.
well I guess we wont hear the right talk about running the government more like a business and us needing a CEO president anymore
Hello evince,

well I guess we wont hear the right talk about running the government more like a business and us needing a CEO president anymore

The only reason the right accepted Trump is because if they did, they could get power. It was either that or let Hillary be President. All the rest is just mental contortions meant to justify their decision.
and he actually didn't win

the republicans cheated voters out of their rights

It is very true that Republicans did everything possible to stack the deck and rig the election process. Trump was the result, the declared 'winner' of the election.
Hello Troll,

They meant 'drain the swamp of anything even remotely liberal, anything beneficial to the poor and sick and old and laws we don't like'.

Do you think Republicans believe that? Do Republicans think the government safety net is corruption? 'The swamp?'

They don't care about the CFPB, don't understand what it is supposed to do, don't care if it becomes the financial industry profit protection bureau? The FIPPB?
Seems to me corruption is worse with President Trump than it was with President Obama.

From the administration itself on down.
Credit to Sarah Palin for inspiring the title of this thread.

(Sorry to bring up past embarrassments, conservatives. Well not so much, really. We all wondered how you could back her. Now that you elected President Trump, we no longer wonder. We know it's motivated by hatred.)
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Hello Controlled Opposition,

The swamp will stink far less when President Trump is gone.

Then maybe some of our government agencies can get back to what they are supposed to be doing: helping we the people instead of they the corporations.

I disagree with both of your sentences. Not that I wish they weren't true, but no, nothing will change.
Hello Controlled Opposition,

I disagree with both of your sentences. Not that I wish they weren't true, but no, nothing will change.

Do you deny that big rich corporations purchase favorable government policy by figuring out who in government to grease?

Do you deny that there is government corruption in the US government?

Do you deny that the Education Secretary wants to replace public education with a for-profit model?

Do you deny that the EPA director has reduced environmental regulations?

Do you deny that the head of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has greatly slashed the amount of money returned to consumers from fraudulent financial institutions?

Do you deny that the CFPB has reduced financial regulations, resulting in more profitability for them, as consumers are not as protected by those regulations?

These things have all been great for Wall Street and terrible for Main Street.

What aspect of government do YOU consider 'the swamp,' if not the corruption of big money meant to make the rich richer at the expense of everyone else?