Huckabee's fair tax

Does taking away 30% of everyone's income sound like a good idea to you?

ZOMG fear fear fear people! We must keep the complicated and flawed system and there is no other choice! FEAR!

Why are you creating nonsensical false dichotomies? It's not an either or situation.

Would you care to comment on the substance of the article at all?
The article pretty much makes a joke of itself after this point. Trying to defend the income tax by talking about how intrusive it is to track income? Wow. That's an amazing logical leap.

Perhaps you should re-read that op-ed piece. It's not a defense of the income tax. It's a criticism of the FairTax. Report back on your progress.
Haven't followed the thread but I thought that I would point out that the Fair Tax plan that Huckabee supports is a total fraud. I turn to Bruce Bartlett for the analysis. Typically, I wouldn't post anything from the Wall Street Journal op-ed page, but Bartlett passes muster:

a credible critique. And its from Ronald Reagan's former Assistant Sec. of the Treasury, so you know its not just liberal nonsense.

A 30% added tax on consumer purchases?? No thanks.
17% flat tax on all money earned and realized in a year regardless of where it comes from. No taxes on the first 35k or so for every working stiff in a family or corporation. No deductions, no loopholes. Businesses also wouldn't pay employment tax for the first 35k they paid employees. And as Top has pointed out the biggest complainers are the ones that complain the biggest now about the system. The Wealthy would HATE a flat tax because they could not hide income. If they ever converted to liquid funds it would be taxed at 17%. I would also eliminate the Death Tax. Vote for me
17% flat tax on all money earned and realized in a year regardless of where it comes from. No taxes on the first 35k or so for every working stiff in a family or corporation. No deductions, no loopholes. Businesses also wouldn't pay employment tax for the first 35k they paid employees. And as Top has pointed out the biggest complainers are the ones that complain the biggest now about the system. The Wealthy would HATE a flat tax because they could not hide income. If they ever converted to liquid funds it would be taxed at 17%. I would also eliminate the Death Tax. Vote for me

Yep as soon as it becomes flat income magically becomes impossible to hide.
a credible critique. And its from Ronald Reagan's former Assistant Sec. of the Treasury, so you know its not just liberal nonsense.

A 30% added tax on consumer purchases?? No thanks.

30% off of all the income I make in a year?! Now that's the most ridiculous of them all.

Cypress, just try and pretend like you even understood a single word in the article. It was written in a highly misleading way and it obviously WAS NOT made by a liberal, because the biggest thing it attacks is the fact that it's a PROGRESSIVE consumption tax. Not like you're small mind could even understand any concept at all.

First off, the tax was not created by the scientology church. THat is a myth. Now tell me, what reputable journalist would publish such a widely known myth? The fact is, that he is not a journalist, and his opinion is not reputable.
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Who REALLY wants to debate "The Flat Tax" with me? I can guarantee that the majority of attacks on my "ideas" will actually be logical fallacies. I can guarantee that I can PROVE it. I DO hope that certain individuals TRY.

Please do.
Who REALLY wants to debate "The Flat Tax" with me? I can guarantee that the majority of attacks on my "ideas" will actually be logical fallacies. I can guarantee that I can PROVE it. I DO hope that certain individuals TRY.

Please do.

Supporters of the "flat tax" want to have their cake and eat it too. It's bad for the rich AND it's good for the rich at the same time. It will brush your teeth and wipe your ass.

The reason I support a progressive consumption tax is that it's simply what is best for the economy.
Is it so bad to think that every person should expect X(amount) without taxation.

ANY party, please answer this without dissembling.

I will bet that you cannot.
Who REALLY wants to debate "The Flat Tax" with me? I can guarantee that the majority of attacks on my "ideas" will actually be logical fallacies. I can guarantee that I can PROVE it. I DO hope that certain individuals TRY.

Please do.
That you can prove what? You didn't take a position.
Or, if you wish to put that forth. I know that many people here don't like me. Please put your credibility on the line. Most who hate me will still hate me, even when I show that you are a liar, but then again, what can I hope to expect?
Again, you have not stated a position, it would be difficult to challenge you without that first. But, I am not challenging you, just waiting for your stated position.

Just saying you will debate on a subject without stating a position is a bit odd.
Originally posted by

Or, if you wish to put that forth. I know that many people here don't like me. Please put your credibility on the line. Most who hate me will still hate me, even when I show that you are a liar, but then again, what can I hope to expect?

Nobody hates you. Try to remain calm.