Huey Long

Sorry about bringing this thread back up guys, but their are few things in history that make me angreir than that piece of silme Huey Long. He's exactly the opposite of everything I stand for; democracy, honesty, and individualism.
Pretty grand. If you even entertain the idea that the 1980's were unfestered lassaize faire, or that lassaize fair "theories" from 20 years ago define the political climate as of today, I have to question your motives.

And as for Huey Long, are you familiar with him? Very interesting story. He was one of the most cunning and corrupt politicians in American History. He was essentially running his own country down there. He was for sale, his constituents didnt' care, he completely disregarded the law, and he did well for it. Really interesting story.

I specifically pointed out that Long was a flawed and corrupt man.

I also pointed out that the hurricane in 1927 led to reforms that were ultimately the basis of the New Deal. Post New Deal-America was and is infinitely better than pre-New Deal america in almost every measaurable sense and metric.
I specifically pointed out that Long was a flawed and corrupt man.

I also pointed out that the hurricane in 1927 led to reforms that were ultimately the basis of the New Deal. Post New Deal-America was and is infinitely better than pre-New Deal america in almost every measaurable sense and metric.

It had little to do with the New Deal. The "New Deal" was a useless piece of crap that mostly wasted money and prevented people from finding actual useless employment. For God sakes! If you're going to give away money, don't force people to waste their time in order to get it! Just give it to them and tell them to find a job in the mean time! FDR was a moron in that sense.
Well, anyway, what the world needs now is peace, love, and understanding. We shouldn't attack each other so much, as the posts above shows in its obvious attempt to mock obnoxiousness.
It had little to do with the New Deal. The "New Deal" was a useless piece of crap that mostly wasted money and prevented people from finding actual useless employment. For God sakes! If you're going to give away money, don't force people to waste their time in order to get it! Just give it to them and tell them to find a job in the mean time! FDR was a moron in that sense.

The "New Deal" was a useless piece of crap that mostly wasted money and prevented people from finding actual useless employment. snip... FDR was a moron snip

You've been reading too much Ayn Rand, if you think the New Deal was simply about throwing money at people to do useless work. The WPA was only a very small part of the New Deal.

The New Deal, at it's core, was a reform of our banking, labor, agricultural, and wage structure. Most of these reforms people take for granted today. Not even the most die hard conservative in congress will publicaly advocate doing away with most of the reforms. After the disasterous stock market crash, and collapse of the banking system, no one in their right mind denies that the New Deal reforms were neccessary:

New Deal Reforms:

-Repeal of Prohibition
-Reformed Banking and Securities
-Securities and Exchange Commision
-Abolition of Child Labor
-Minimum Wage Law
-Labor Reform (strengthened collective bargaining rights)
-Social Security
-Rural Electrification Program (the reason Mississipi was transformed from a third world backwater)
-Thousands of public works project building dams, roads, and electrical grids - many of which are still in use today.

Which of the above reforms do you claim weren't necessary, and that you would get rid of?

Even if you don't like minimum wage, and social security, probably 80% of americans support these programs.
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"-Rural Electrification Program (the reason Mississipi was transformed from a third world backwater)"

We're not a third world backwater? Could've fooled me.


And I live in SOUTH Mississippi. We gots mo' money, so we had power. Also, we're most white, so we had the support of the state government.

"Even if you don't like minimum wage, and social security,"

When did I ever say I opposed those? I've, at times, expressed dissatisfaction with some of the current ways they're operated (for instances, ambigiously raising minimum wage every few years instead of just fixing it to cost of living), but I don't think I've ever wanted to abolish them.
Anyway, Cypress, that was just the Ayn in me flaring up, as you said.

I should've just deleted the message, instead of posting that little note down there.
"-Rural Electrification Program (the reason Mississipi was transformed from a third world backwater)"

We're not a third world backwater? Could've fooled me.


And I live in SOUTH Mississippi. We gots mo' money, so we had power. Also, we're most white, so we had the support of the state government.

"Even if you don't like minimum wage, and social security,"

When did I ever say I opposed those? I've, at times, expressed dissatisfaction with some of the current ways they're operated (for instances, ambigiously raising minimum wage every few years instead of just fixing it to cost of living), but I don't think I've ever wanted to abolish them.

Okay, I'll take that as a "No" can't really substantively identify any major program or reform of the New Deal that you would not have implemented, or that you would have eliminated.

Don't feel bad. You're not alone. Plenty of other Cons have proclaimed to me that the New Deal was a piece of wasteful crap. Yet, when I point out the specific major reforms of the New Deal (see list below), they are at a loss for words as to which one was a piece of crap, and which ones they wouldn't have implemented


New Deal Reforms:

-Repeal of Prohibition
-Reformed Banking and Securities
-Securities and Exchange Commision
-Abolition of Child Labor
-Minimum Wage Law
-Labor Reform (strengthened collective bargaining rights)
-Social Security
-Rural Electrification Program (the reason Mississipi was transformed from a third world backwater)
-Thousands of public works project building dams, roads, and electrical grids - many of which are still in use today.
It had little to do with the New Deal. The "New Deal" was a useless piece of crap that mostly wasted money and prevented people from finding actual useless employment. For God sakes! If you're going to give away money, don't force people to waste their time in order to get it! Just give it to them and tell them to find a job in the mean time! FDR was a moron in that sense.

Oh yes without the new deal and TVA, etc we might not have won WW2.....
Real brilliance there.
Okay, I'll take that as a "No" can't really substantively identify any major program or reform of the New Deal that you would not have implemented, or that you would have eliminated.

Don't feel bad. You're not alone. Plenty of other Cons have proclaimed to me that the New Deal was a piece of wasteful crap. Yet, when I point out the specific major reforms of the New Deal (see list below), they are at a loss for words as to which one was a piece of crap, and which ones they wouldn't have implemented


New Deal Reforms:

-Repeal of Prohibition
-Reformed Banking and Securities
-Securities and Exchange Commision
-Abolition of Child Labor
-Minimum Wage Law
-Labor Reform (strengthened collective bargaining rights)
-Social Security
-Rural Electrification Program (the reason Mississipi was transformed from a third world backwater)
-Thousands of public works project building dams, roads, and electrical grids - many of which are still in use today.

Yes, Cypress, in fact I even stated that the entire statement was fallacy, if you would've taken the time to read further.