Hugh Laurie before he went to the US and starred in House

She's right up there with Sinbad.

You're a cold, cold man Charver!

You know I saw Ellen at the market once and I peeked in her basket and it was like full of fruits and vegies and health foods and I though...ya know she really takes care of herself, so I was like following behind her after check out and I was like wonder, ya know I bet she drives a sports car, sure nuff it was some like really souped up Mercedes that was really, really nice but I"m thinking ya know, I bet she's really just a dime store millionare and probably lives in some shack in a bad neighborhood but I followed her into the best part of town into a lovely gated community (I barely got past the gate) where she walked into a lovely white home that was landscaped quite attractively but I"m thinking "Ya know" I bet her house is like empty inside so I waited for a couple of hours until she left and then I like slipped a lock and started looking around her house and it was really quite lovely and decorated quite tastefull and I guess she takes good care of her mother or at least that's what her mother's maid Latesha said when I called her so I really don't understand what all the screaming was about when she walked in, I really couldn't hear her that well anyways with her stereo turned up that loud and besides, I was wondering why she would organize her CD's to have The Doors, next to The Carpenters and 9 Inch Nails. Know what I mean?