Human evolution - recent news

I am going to ignore your attempt at passive aggressive insult, because I am not going to be the one to lower the decorum here.

I did not say we are the only planet in the universe that may contain life. You need to respond to what I said, and not what you imagined I said.

I am fully aware that we are limited in our understanding of life because we only have experience with carbon-based life.

That does not preclude the possibility of life that is not carbon based.

From the scientific perspective, speculating about non- carbon based life is sheer guesswork. There is no evidence, we cannot test it, and therefore it is not subject to the scientific method. I have purposefully been attempting to limit my responses to the sphere of current knowledge we have reasonable confidence it.

It would be totally bad ass to find silicon-based life, or life that thrives on liquid methane-based reactions rather than water-based biochemistry - but for now that is the purview of fantastical speculation which cannot even be assessed or tested scientifically.

Ok Sheldon have it your way.
Earth is the right distance from the sun for liquid water to exist , and the only planet in the solar system where that is true, given that water can only exist in liquid form over a verynarrow range of temperature and pressure .

As far as we know liquid water is a requirement for life because it is the only medium that facilitates biochemical reactions.

So the absence of life as we know it in the solar system it is not a deep and enduring mystery.

We are currently looking for exoplanets around other stars that might be in the so called habitable zone for liquid water to exist.

It’s the hydrogen bond that allows us to exist. Without it, a low molecular weight (18) molecule is a gas. The hydrogen bond allows it to be a liquid. Hence, us.
It’s the hydrogen bond that allows us to exist. Without it, a low molecular weight (18) molecule is a gas. The hydrogen bond allows it to be a liquid. Hence, us.
A very good point.

The other advantage of water is that it exists as a liquid at fairly moderate temperatures, zero C to 100 C. Those temperatures are favorable to the kinetics of biochemical reactions.

Even if life could supposedly develop in the presence of liquid methane or liquid ammonia, those compounds can only be in liquid form at extremely cold temperatures. At those temperatures, the kinetics of chemical reactions slow down to a crawl.

So, at this point it is reasonable to look for life on exoplanets that are plausibly in a habitable zone around stars conducive to the presence of liquid water. It does not hurt to speculate about other types of life, but focusing on the search carbon based life and liquid water is obviously the most sensible approach.
The false premise? The attempt to convolute Vertical and Horizonal "evolution"......Macro and Micro evolution. And the attempt to convolute Objective Science..i.e., real science with Subjective theory..i.e., mental projection void of any objectively reproducible and consistent evidences of fact...better known as the Scientific Method.

Evolution as defined by the Darwinian Cultist is a theory......its not a FACT of any kind of Science. Notice the language used in even attempting to argue via using this TROLLING/PSEUDO science.

List the subjective BS langue qualifiers. The use of THEORY...and admission there is no FACTUAL evidence of Evolution. Now the language qualifiers...all SUBJECTIVE none OBJECTIVE. "SEE NO" "Generally Accepts" "Quite a few" (how many is quite a few? That's real objective documentation) "MORE LIKELY" "CAN EASILY BE"

The point and conclusion? Someone attempting to project the pseudo science of THEORY as Science that deals in facts as backed via the Scientific Method of demonstrating FACTS via Objective, Reproducible, Consistent EXPERIMENTS.

Anyone....just to make a point and distinguish between the 2 valid the other pseudo. Present the experiment where LIFE has ever been reproduced from non living organic matter.....Present the experiment that demonstrates that any living creature has ever Vertically/Macro evolved from one species into fact every time an experiment has been attempted to demonstrate that LIFE can evolve from dead matter.....the experiment has never confirmed such a theory...IT HAS REJECTED IT...THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A SUCCESSFUL EXPERIMENT in the attempt to reproduce LIFE from dead matter.

Now.....anyone? Show us the experimentation results that has SCIENCE.....using the scientific method.....rejecting CREATION. Go us a single experiment that proves that CREATION IS IMPOSSIBLE like Science disproves that Spontaneous Generation is impossible......Science has been used to prove (just like the Bible states) that LIFE can only be reproduced from existing LIFE within in the same and unique species. See: Pasteur

Darwin's claim? Even though there is no evidence of Abiogenesis......LIFE MUST HAVE came from non living matter. Today the cultists ALWAYS demand that the base foundation of EVOLUTION (abiogenesis)….be ignored, then proceed to claim that EVOLUTION has taken place. Indeed...evolution is a fact of science....evolution within species better known as horizontal evolution, just as the Bible states. Each creature was given a unique DNA signature that allowed each created species to adapt to its physical surroundings. But no kind of life ever evolved into a totally new and unique creature....

A fish(cold blooded) creature has never EVOLVED into a Mammal (warm blooded) suggested by evolutionists. There is not one example of any creature caught in between species change i.e., Transitional(i.e., the supposed missing link) in the fossil record. The pseudo types will find an example of something DEFORMED at birth in the fossil record and attempt to claim....that is the missing link. Would not there be millions and millions of fossils that demonstrate EVOLUTION in a state of transition...if evolution were the NORM?

Thats much like (much like...more subjectivelty:laugh:) claiming the different stages of MAN......they show pictures from human skeletons found in fossilized states in caves or other isolated places.....and say "LOOK" at the way the skull is enlarged...etc.. While they ignore the evidences of what happens when a group of humans are isolated from others.....and inbreeding takes place. Take a look at the results of inbreeding over extended get, huge skulls and other types of deformities, that they psuedos claim is an example of an evolutionary stage. LMAO

There has been example after example of HOAXS throughout the decades.

If you think the theory of evolution and Charles Darwin are frauds, you have a lot of company and soul mates in conservatism and the Republican Party.
You American conservatives are the only major political party on the planet I know whose memebers routinely denies evolution, and clings to a young earth creationist fantasy.

The bolded part of your post is patently false and incorrect.

"A fish(cold blooded) creature has never EVOLVED into a Mammal (warm blooded) suggested by evolutionists. There is not one example of any creature caught in between species change i.e., Transitional(i.e., the supposed missing link) in the fossil record."

Transitional Fossil reveals transitional link from fish to four-legged tetrapods

What has the head of a crocodile and the gills of a fish?
Tiktaalik, of course. Pronounced tik-TAA-lik, this 375 million year old fossil splashed across headlines as soon as its discovery was announced in April of 2006. Unearthed in Arctic Canada by a team of researchers led by Neil Shubin, Edward Daeschler, and Farish Jenkins, Tiktaalik is technically a fish, complete with scales and gills — but it has the flattened head of a crocodile and unusual fins. Its fins have thin ray bones for paddling like most fishes', but they also have sturdy interior bones that would have allowed Tiktaalik to prop itself up in shallow water and use its limbs for support as most four-legged animals do. Those fins and a suite of other characteristics set Tiktaalik apart as something special; it has a combination of features that show the evolutionary transition between swimming fish and their descendents, the four-legged vertebrates — a clade which includes amphibians, dinosaurs, birds, mammals, and of course, humans.
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Humans moved out of Africa earlier than was once thought

120,000-year-old footprints offer early evidence for humans in Arabia

By Ann Gibbons Sep. 17, 2020 , 5:05 PM

One day about 120,000 years ago, a few humans wandered along the shore of an ancient lake in what is now the Nefud Desert in Saudi Arabia. They may have paused for a drink of fresh water or to track herds of elephants, wild asses, and camels that were trampling the mudflats. Within hours of passing through, the humans’ and animals’ footprints dried out and eventually fossilized.

Now, these ancient footsteps offer rare evidence of when and where early humans once inhabited the Arabian Peninsula. “These are the first genuine human footprints of Arabia,” says archaeologist and team leader Michael Petraglia of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.

The Arabian Peninsula has long been considered the obvious route that early members of our species took as they trekked out of Africa and migrated to the Middle East and Eurasia. Stone tools have suggested ancient humans explored the Arabian Peninsula at various times in prehistory when the climate was wetter and its harsh deserts were transformed into green grasslands punctuated with freshwater lakes. Yet so far, researchers have only found a single human finger bone dating to 88,000 years to prove modern humans, rather than some other hominin toolmaker, lived there.