Humans are diverse!

ROFL, I see you have retained all of your idiocy............If I haven't shot any of our youth, and don't intend to without cause, why should I have to give up my right to effective self defense? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

are you going to cut off your penis to help prevent rape??????

My right! My right! My right!

Me! Me! Me!

40,000+ deaths a year.
Leading cause of death for our young.

And it’s all about you needing protection in the produce section.

Laughable if it weren’t so tragic for others.
My right! My right! My right!

Me! Me! Me!

40,000+ deaths a year.
Leading cause of death for our young.

And it’s all about you needing protection in the produce section.

Laughable if it weren’t so tragic for others.

are you going to cut off your penis to prevent rape????????

didn't think so, so you're issue isn't about protecting kids, it's about YOU feeling safer in your blissful ignorance.

If you're in the grocery store and some idiot decides to start shooting, you'll either wish you had a gun or you'll call someone with a gun.
are you going to cut off your penis to prevent rape????????

didn't think so, so you're issue isn't about protecting kids, it's about YOU feeling safer in your blissful ignorance.

If you're in the grocery store and some idiot decides to start shooting, you'll either wish you had a gun or you'll call someone with a gun.

Pussies need to protect their rights to cantaloupe!

Once again i will educate you on the law. .

you might be able to educate a skunk on stink.......but you'll never be able to educate me on know less than me about also apparently know less about marriage than the millions of men and women who have been married in the last few millennia.......
you might be able to educate a skunk on stink.......but you'll never be able to educate me on know less than me about also apparently know less about marriage than the millions of men and women who have been married in the last few millennia.......

Every time we have tussled on a matter of law, EVERYTIME, you have backpedaled and conceded my position by later adopting it or accepting but pretending you did not. You have not been correct once and that is because you argue from emotion and the law does not care about your feelings.

Here too you are factually wrong.

The definition of 'Marriage' is a fabricated thing that not only changes regularly and always has but is not even consistent State to State.

You have created a fallacious foundation that has no basis in law, so once again you are wrong and i am right. In NO WAY are you denied your ability to marry because gay people were afforded the right to marry. IN no way are you having your rights impinged because you cannot have your way on this issue and the gays be stopped from marrying.

That is not how law works. That is not how logic works.

If you find a quite little pond for swimming on public lands and at first you get all to yourself, and then others find it and you are mad because you want it to yourself, your rights are not being denied, because they won't listen or consider your view and stop using it as you demand and want.
You just need to stay in your lane, as you became a slumlord lawyer for a reason and that is because you could not cut it in any other area of law.

Slumlord lawyers are the lowest wrung in law for a reason. 90+% of your work is simply filing template forms for eviction or collection, against defendants who will not show up and defend themselves. A task that paralegals often do much more capably than the lawyers and in your case that is certainly the case.
Once again i will educate you on the law.

A "real marriage" is whatever legislators say it is in their definition of it.

It has always changed and varies State to State.

No one group controls the definition. Allowing mixed race marriages did not deny same race marriages.

So again, you feeling that somehow you are victim of the government and the left imposing anything on you because they won't let you stop the gays from marrying is just the type of stupid reasoning that derps tell themselves.

It is devoid of logic and sense.

He is free to have his own thoughts on if it’s marriage, but it does not affect reality. Just like he is free to be stupid enough to believe Trump was re-elected.
Marriage should not even be recognized as a word in the law.

Keep it as one descriptive word for a type of social construct.

The legal term should be "civil union"

and that legal/financial arrangement would have to be available

to any two people who wish to enter it.
Hello Jarod,

I’m not just talking about race and gender… we are diverse complex and wildly different from each other.

I think of it like a computer in a limited analogy.

We are all born with an operating system, but not exactly the same operating system. Some people are DOS and some are IOS… With humans there is a huge variety of options of operating systems, in fact I’m sure no two are exactly alike but many are very similar.

From before we are born the software begins to be programmed.. sounds from outside our mothers womb, temperatures, whatever environmental events. The programming accelerates after birth and continues our entire lives.

So there is really no set way to be. There is really no specific human trait. Many of us are born into very similar environments and operate in similar ways, but don’t confuse groups of similar people with an idea that it’s “how people are” or “how people are supposed to be”.

These operating systems evolved over eons, and the programming changes drastically over short timeframe. For example, imagine your grandparents operating in todays world… imagine their ideology (if they stopped learning and adapting) allowing them to be successful in modern society.

My point is this…. All this argument about men shouldn’t wear dresses and women should follow in a marriage, or marriage is only between a man and a woman are silly because what is is to be human is very flexible and transient.

Diversity is our strength.

Diversity makes greatness.

Freedom allows diversity.

Diversity gives America more power.