Hundreds More Former GOP Officials Endorse Harris

You support an impeached felon. Biden choosing to leave the race is immaterial. You have no standing to whine about morality. Which, BTW, you wouldn't be doing if your sleazy shitgibbon was leading in the polling. Lol
I appreciate you because you gave me a good laugh. In the real world I get so much sh*t from my friends on the right for not supporting/voting for Trump but somehow I can come to JPP and now I'm a Trump supporter. It's the beauty of the internet I suppose.

I think you're missing my point. You are talking about morality. I was talking simply winning and losing. I asked if the Republican is rotting at the head why aren't they suffering more at the polls? Why is the race so close?
With everything that's out there I didn't realize there were still folks arguing Biden walked away just because...

She's not exactly dominating in the popular vote either considering she's running against a party that is supposedly rotting from the the head.
"With everything that's out there.."... You mean like Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs? When will the triumptards learn?
You support an impeached felon. Biden choosing to leave the race is immaterial. You have no standing to whine about morality. Which, BTW, you wouldn't be doing if your sleazy shitgibbon was leading in the polling. Lol
Credit where credit is due, I literally looked up if Chase Oliver was an impeached convicted felon. I was like 'no f'ing way...'
No one can force Biden to do anything.
Biden was strongarmed by the DNC. It's the only way they operate. It's how Biden was installed in the first place.

He stepped aside voluntarily for the good of the country.
Oh sure he did. You saw how much traction that got nationally.

I understand why you can't fathom doing a good deed because you're in the trumptard cult.
I understand why your thought-masters at the DNC don't allow you to understand anything as it truly is.
"With everything that's out there.."... You mean like Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs? When will the triumptards learn?
Learn what? You seem to be the one who hasn't learned anything. You obviously think Haiti is full of people who are happy to starve. You need to get out more.

Teamsters union declines to endorse Trump or Harris for ...​

AP News › article › teamsters-endorse-preside...

3 hours ago — The International Brotherhood of Teamsters has declined to endorse Kamala Harris or Donald Trump for president.
She's not dominating in the popular vote?

I think she's up an average of 4% in the national polls right now. If the vote were held today, she'd likely win the popular vote by a few million - possibly many more.

If a vote was held today to switch away from the EC to the popular, one party would probably vote unanimously for that, and one party would probably vote unanimously against.
And seeing the DEM party has taken the popular vote in the last several Presidential elections you know the Republicans and people on the right never want to go to a popular vote system.
Have a nice day
3 ... 2 ... 1 ... RINOs (plural). Having them self-identify is the best thing that can happen. The party needs to be transformed and it will be so much easier with all of the DNC removed.
I didn't know the Democratic National Committee ( DNC ) was in the Republican party.
thanks for the info
That may be but what does it say about the Democratic Party that you had to force your sitting President out of the election because he was polling so poorly and then even now polling shows the EC pretty much a toss up?
The Economist was calling it a toss up, with a slightly better chance for Harris, a little while ago. Now Harris has a 60% chance of winning the Electoral College. It is moving in her direction.

Have you ever seen so many high ranking people in one party endorse the other party? This is moving in Harris' direction, starting at the top, but it will move down.

That being said, it might be too late. Harris would have a much better chance at winning in November of 2025. This will be a nail biter.
They've already chosen. The Republican party has become a steaming dung heap of lies, racism and conspiracy theories.
Normally after losing an election, a party regroups and reconsiders their strategy. Republicans have refused to accept they have lost. They do not even accept the results of 2016, where they technically won, but lost the popular vote. It is not uncommon for them to claim they are winning 90% of the popular vote, when they should consider themselves lucky to get half that.

So there is no rethinking. In fact, they consider rethinking to be a form of treason to the Republican Party. And yes, they think you can commit treason to a political party, which they have raised to a status above a nation-state.
The Economist was calling it a toss up, with a slightly better chance for Harris, a little while ago. Now Harris has a 60% chance of winning the Electoral College. It is moving in her direction.

Have you ever seen so many high ranking people in one party endorse the other party? This is moving in Harris' direction, starting at the top, but it will move down.

That being said, it might be too late. Harris would have a much better chance at winning in November of 2025. This will be a nail biter.
I guess my question was why is it a nail biter? Is the country so divided that the actual candidates are irrelevant? Because if the R’s are exploding it reasons to think the D’s would be leading/win handily. But at least as of today, that’s not the case.
I guess my question was why is it a nail biter? Is the country so divided that the actual candidates are irrelevant? Because if the R’s are exploding it reasons to think the D’s would be leading/win handily. But at least as of today, that’s not the case.
trump's attacks mostly work for a few days or weeks. That means Clinton would have won a month before the election, and a month after the election, but lost at that point. Likewise, things are moving in Harris' direction, but might not move fast enough. Election day is coming quickly.

There is a second sub question, why does 20-40% of Americans want to burn everything down. They are feeling future shock. They have not adjusted to interracial marriage, and are now facing interracial same sex marriage. Automation has made them less important. I could go on and on.

The point is that our society is feeling growing pains. trump is profiting from that.
trump's attacks mostly work for a few days or weeks.
Can you give me an example of a "Trump attack"? Sometimes I wonder if you aren't posting from a nearby planet.

That means Clinton would have won a month before the election, and a month after the election, but lost at that point.
Well someone's gullible.

Likewise, things are moving in Harris' direction,
Is this because you believe in the fake polls?

There is a second sub question, why does 20-40% of Americans want to burn everything down.
This is not the case.

They have not adjusted to interracial marriage, and are now facing interracial same sex marriage.
Are you pretending to speak for people for whom you do not speak?

Automation has made them less important.
It's the lava lamps that bring anxiety.

I could go on and on.
Thank you for not wasting any more time than absolutely necessary.

The point is that our society is feeling growing pains. trump is profiting from that.
This is stupid.
trump's attacks mostly work for a few days or weeks. That means Clinton would have won a month before the election, and a month after the election, but lost at that point. Likewise, things are moving in Harris' direction, but might not move fast enough. Election day is coming quickly.

There is a second sub question, why does 20-40% of Americans want to burn everything down. They are feeling future shock. They have not adjusted to interracial marriage, and are now facing interracial same sex marriage. Automation has made them less important. I could go on and on.

The point is that our society is feeling growing pains. trump is profiting from that.
Our country is being driven by inter racial marriage (or the resistance to it)? Hmmm, that's a new one to me. From strictly a running for President perspective we've had Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, JD Vance and Kamala Harris who are all-in inter racial marriages.

On a personal level I (unfortunately) married a white woman but my sister married a black guy (bi-racial) and my wife's brother married a LatinX women. So my daughter has bi-racial cousins on both sides of the family. (I did hear a good one of though that I hadn't heard before, it was from a black comedian/political commentator and he said when he was his young and starting to date his family told him "if she don't use our comb, then don't bring her home") But this isn't 1960 and America isn't all white and black (although it seems many Boomers still live in that world). LatinX people outnumbers blacks in America and Asians/Indians are the fastest growing immigrant group (yet many people still the world from a black/white only lens). And if a Mexican guy and Indian woman marrying offends people then that's on them.

As far as automation you even hear people on this board complain that greedy corporations offshore jobs. Funny how people love when the stock market goes up but hate that corporations increase their bottom line by improving efficiencies (by offshoring for example).

In California, and San Francisco specifically, we are placing our future hopes on AI. Go read about the bill coming to Newsom's desk. All the tech folks are saying don't sign it because it will slow down our growth but unions in the state want Newsome to because they think it will take their jobs.

Look at Trump and Biden/Harris running on tariffs and anti-free trade rhetoric all in the name of going back to 1960 and this idea we'll bring back manufacturing jobs. Post WWII trade liberalization is what helped continue to make the U.S. the world's global power and now we retreat because people are afraid of losing their jobs as you said.
I appreciate you because you gave me a good laugh. In the real world I get so much sh*t from my friends on the right for not supporting/voting for Trump but somehow I can come to JPP and now I'm a Trump supporter. It's the beauty of the internet I suppose.

I think you're missing my point. You are talking about morality. I was talking simply winning and losing. I asked if the Republican is rotting at the head why aren't they suffering more at the polls? Why is the race so close?
The Republicans have lost every election, including the special elections since Trump won in 2016.