Hunter and 12b


New member
So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?
So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

You can do that without accusing JPP members.

Create a new thread and we'll talk about it.
So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

I am totally okay with the Republican Party wasting their time and resources on on a contrived, non-scandal.
The JPP 12b only applies to other JPPers, not to public figures. Sorry, sir, but your strawman burned to the ground. We did all we could.
I am totally okay with the Republican Party wasting their time and resources on on a contrived, non-scandal.

The closer they get to the realization that their Mango Messiah is about to be crucified with zero chance of a resurrection, the crazy their bullshit stories become, eh?
So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?
You might want to read 12B first.

Add to this the important fact that people can report you all day long and, unless there is merit, nothing happens. They just look stupid for baseless reports. OTOH, if a person is guilty, then shouldn't they man up and take their punishment?

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.
So Hunter and his kiddie porn are a hot topic in politics right now, and lefties want the topic silenced. Will JPP lefties try to exploit 12b to silence this hot political topic?

This thread will work. Are you going to set up house as a victim here to exploit 12b?

Are yo going to spend the entire time whining? I reported you. The mods made the decision. Act like an adult for a change.
The closer they get to the realization that their Mango Messiah is about to be crucified with zero chance of a resurrection, the crazy their bullshit stories become, eh?

I am half expecting to hear that Joe Biden is the ringleader of a Satanic human trafficking gang being out of a pizza parlor.
I am half expecting to hear that Joe Biden is the ringleader of a Satanic human trafficking gang being out of a pizza parlor.

...and the Democrats will be drinking the blood of murdered Christian babies when they win the election. I read it on Twitter so it must be true. ;)
I am totally okay with the Republican Party wasting their time and resources on on a contrived, non-scandal.

Do you think JPP lefties will attempt to exploit 12b in an effort to silence righties about the Hunter kiddie porn situation?
The JPP 12b only applies to other JPPers, not to public figures. Sorry, sir, but your strawman burned to the ground. We did all we could.

Do you think JPP lefties will attempt to exploit 12b in an effort to silence JPP righties about the Hunter kiddie porn situation?