Hunter and 12b

We both know what happened to the reports on's posted here
I think it's very sweet and sacred when they bond....

Check your inbox...not the one that Fowl and her imbecilic minion have access to. ;)
The FBI is on it. If they had anything I'm sure we'll hear about it just like we did with Hillary's emails.

Didn't an FBI official change the wording in the report so the agency wouldn't have to launch a criminal investigation into the Hildebeast?
The FBI is on it. If they had anything I'm sure we'll hear about it just like we did with Hillary's emails.

Sounds like they're suspecting another Russian disinformation plot. What do you want to bet that Guiliani et al cooked this scheme up, and used some of #TRE45ON's money to promulgate it? Maybe the ghoul and the orange man can get a group rate when they're sent to Ryker. Share a cell and a bar of soap. lol
Sounds like they're suspecting another Russian disinformation plot.

Nope, buzzard.


John Ratcliffe, Director of National Intelligence, told journalists Monday morning that Hunter Biden’s laptop was not part of a Russian disinformation campaign despite the leftist media’s attempts to claim otherwise.

“Is this Russian disinformation, director?” a reporter asked.

"There is no intelligence that supports that and we shared no intelligence with chairman Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign,” he continued. “It’s simply not true.”

Want to try again?
Sounds like they're suspecting another Russian disinformation plot. What do you want to bet that Guiliani et al cooked this scheme up, and used some of #TRE45ON's money to promulgate it? Maybe the ghoul and the orange man can get a group rate when they're sent to Ryker. Share a cell and a bar of soap. lol

Rudy probably wouldn't fabricate such a plot, but he seems wacky enough to fall for such a plot and seek to exploit it regardless of its veracity.

Any bet that this issue will drop once the election is over? Trump is great at projection and gaslighting. He defines himself every time he tells a lie about someone.
Where's Hunter? His dad is under attack and he's "hiden"...what kind of son does that?:( He could clear this up with the truth....
Rudy probably wouldn't fabricate such a plot, but he seems wacky enough to fall for such a plot and seek to exploit it regardless of its veracity.

Any bet that this issue will drop once the election is over? Trump is great at projection and gaslighting. He defines himself every time he tells a lie about someone.

Yep, he's very good at accusing others of what he himself does. No wonder Toxic, Stretch, Earl, etc. worship him!
Hmm. Good point. Personally, if someone wants to accuse me of that -- or any of the other 100s of other disgusting human practices that even slugs abhor -- I'd just laugh. Which is why I've never grokked why supposedly straight men get SO F'ING TRIGGERED about being called "gay" in an insult contest.

I thought slugs were generally considered to be open-minded?
The FBI is on it. If they had anything I'm sure we'll hear about it just like we did with Hillary's emails.

A simple change in vocabulary from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless” provided Comey the wiggle room to allow Hillary Clinton to escape punishment for one of her worst crimes against America. Few doubt the intention of the change.

From The Hill:

The draft, written weeks before the announcement of no charges, was described by multiple sources who saw the document both before and after it was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee this past weekend.

“There is evidence to support a conclusion that Secretary Clinton, and others, used the email server in a manner that was grossly negligent with respect to the handling of classified information,” reads the statement, one of Comey’s earliest drafts from May 2, 2016.

The sources who had seen the early draft, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, said the draft statement was subsequently changed in red-line edits on or around June 10 to conclude that the handling of 110 emails containing classified information that were transmitted by Clinton and her aides over her insecure personal email server was “extremely careless.”

The documents turned over to Congress do not indicate who recommended the key wording changes, the sources said.