Hunter asks china for 10 million

I hope you right wingers keep talking about trivial and slander. The nation has moved past you.

tRumptards are born losers. That is all that they have.
I get tickled at tRumptards telling others that THEY can't handle the truth while they still cling to election fraud nonsense.
now that demmycrats think they own the nation they think they can tell it where to go.......

Its well past the time that we investigated the financial affairs of trumps children. How many million did they earn while the US government paid for their expenses. How many deals did they make in trumps name that fattened their wallets? We sure wont know until President Biden takes office, and then lookout!!! What we see of trump family corruption is just the tip of the iceberg.
Its well past the time that we investigated the financial affairs of trumps children. How many million did they earn while the US government paid for their expenses. How many deals did they make in trumps name that fattened their wallets? We sure wont know until President Biden takes office, and then lookout!!! What we see of trump family corruption is just the tip of the iceberg.
Keep us posted...on all the children;)TYIA
I'll ask the Chinese for ten million as well if they're in a holiday giving mood.

I'll even take it in gift certificates to Kowloon.
Awesome hon su yoke and chicken lo mein.
I'll ask the Chinese for ten million as well if they're in a holiday giving mood.

I'll even take it in gift certificates to Kowloon.
Awesome hon su yoke and chicken lo mein.
Are you confident Hunter's (and the rest of the Bidens) done nothing wrong?
Are you confident Hunter's (and the rest of the Bidens) done nothing wrong?

Frankly, I'm not concerned.
Any replacement for the diseased, pig-fucking orangutan is a step forward.
Biden's family could be the second worst in the entire nation, and it's still a massive step up from the Trumps.

I wanted Bernie or Liz.
I'm settling for Cornball Joey.
That won't make me happy, but it will make me a little less angry for a while.
Frankly, I'm not concerned.
Any replacement for the diseased, pig-fucking orangutan is a step forward.
Biden's family could be the second worst in the entire nation, and it's still a massive step up from the Trumps.

I wanted Bernie or Liz.
I'm settling for Cornball Joey.
That won't make me happy, but it will make me a little less angry for a while.
OK...thanks for the reply....
Anger is not good.....take care....
tRumptards are born losers. That is all that they have.
I get tickled at tRumptards telling others that THEY can't handle the truth while they still cling to election fraud nonsense.

... While ignoring the graft, corrupt, and sleaze of the Toadstool and his Family Crime Syndicate.
Its well past the time that we investigated the financial affairs of trumps children. How many million did they earn while the US government paid for their expenses. How many deals did they make in trumps name that fattened their wallets? We sure wont know until President Biden takes office, and then lookout!!! What we see of trump family corruption is just the tip of the iceberg.
I’m especially interested in the deals with Saudis and the Kushners. Kashoggi’s Ghost
... While ignoring the graft, corrupt, and sleaze of the Toadstool and his Family Crime Syndicate.

I wonder, Owl, if they ignore it or rather revel in it.
Stick it to the libs who look down their noses at us for our racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and anti-intellectualism.
They actually think that they're better than we are just because they're better than we are.