Scut Farkus
Verified User
Im evince ass smear
Oh and there is nothing to these Russian lies you republicans are mouth pooping about
look at yourself. you're a jibbering train wreck.
Im evince ass smear
Oh and there is nothing to these Russian lies you republicans are mouth pooping about
says who?
he can be acquitted only if he is prosecuted first.
you're very legally ignorant.
Cleared of what ?
From taking $50,000 a month for doing nothing ?
read the title shit for brains
cleared by intel agencies has no legal meaning, duncecap.
Cleared of what ?
From taking $50,000 a month for doing nothing ?
only to fox brainaddled shit balls like you
You see when someone reports lies about you to the fbi and the fbi looks at that claim and there is NO EVIDENCE to back those false claims the FBI can tell the world you are cleared of all claims
the shit is such a shallow piss pool it took them about 13 minutes to comfirm
they are not the judiciary, you imbecile.
he will only be "cleared" if he is prosecuted and acquitted.
your understanding of our legal system is woeful.
Cleared?- He hasn't been charged of anything dumbass!
they are not the judiciary, you imbecile.
he will only be "cleared" if he is prosecuted and acquitted.
That's why Trump has never had Hillary prosecuted. She's more useful to him NOT cleared. Then he can say whatever he wants to about her, and fools will believe him.
right. so he's not cleared.
Neither are you then idiot!
yeah. im not. neither are bidens. fbi isnt in the "clearing" business.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense!