Hypocrite Pelosi

If you actually weren't soooooo partisan and brain raped by CNN & MSNBC, you'd realize that Trump lies no more and likely less than most politicians. Trump simply likes to exaggerate truths far more than the average narcissist. Most everything CNN & MSNBC told you was a Trump lie eventually comes to be true, but likely just exaggerated. Donald Trump is a true patriot, a little bit loose patriot! Anybody that could legally stop the felon Hillary Clinton from becoming President is a hero!

I hear his lies myself!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi accuses Bill Bar of not being the Attorney General for the United States but the Attorney General for Donald Trump. Such hypocrisy is laughable. Mother Nancy purposely forgets, and hopes the American folks forget those famous words of Attorney General Eric Holder, Barrack Obama’s AG when he proudly proclaimed, “I’m Barrack’s wing man, I’m his boy.”

because Obama was on the side of this nation

your fucks are on the side of russia
Mexico will pay for the wall

If Congress accepts Trump's new NAFTA deal, the savings for America from the imbalance of payments with Mexico will pay for the wall. Not a lie, just truth & reality in waiting. Most everything Trump says comes true.

I'll release my tax returns after the audit.

The audit is over? You have evidence of that? Another truth from Trump yet to be fact, be patient lefties!

I'll replace Obama Care with something better,and everyone will be covered

Another Trump truth yet to happen, be patient lefties! And he never said, "You can keep your insurance plan and your doctor." that was the other REAL LIAR, now being investigated by Billy Barr.