Uwaa OmO
It'd be cool if somebody could filibuster you.
It's called Thread Ban.
It'd be cool if somebody could filibuster you.
It'd be cool if somebody could filibuster you.
It's called "Desh Banning" on each and every thread we start.
That, and the Dude & Dantès threadbanning set off the mass gravedigging of ancient posts this afternoon.
I am allowed to bring back up what you said in the past.
that is completely fair you idiots.
You are such chicken shits who cant deal with reality
yeah keep pretending Im crazy you fucking fool.
all the people who I proved wrong over the years have tried that one.
to fucking partisan slaves like you facts mean nothing.
Seems like they both could be guilty of Rule 12 and should be BANNED.
Nah, it's 13 that they broke.
13. No Self-Moderation of the Board. Definition: making a thread unreadable through using extra large fonts or other means to block usage of a thread/forum. Rules will be enforced by the Administration or by Staff Members... Let's be adult here....
Of course when they carp and complain about the moderators on the forum, they break 15.
15. Any issues with the Moderation of the board must be taken up in PM with the jpp.com staff.
Maybe JPP members who aren't rule-breaking scum should report each violation as it occurs with a link to the post and the rule that was violated.