Then, we will be able to do nothing because of irresponsible globalization without our peoples interest held first, and we may become as poor as a people as a slave country.
Ford also saw that his employees needed to make more money so they can drive a Ford to work from far away places. That is why he gave all of his employees a raise.
It was working fine--better than the rest of the world--our free market system it used to be. Then we got away from a free market too much and globalization with slave countries started happening. We became the most prosperous country in the world in short order--but we don't do it that way anymore. say good by. Your grand childrens life may become one of poverty if we stay on this track.
You're a fucking idiot. We were poor with those anti-traders. Then we opened up our markets, we allowed trade. That was in the 50's, and an era of prosperity free from the past protectionist ignorance ensued. Today, we have corporate welfare.
Anti traders STEAL JOBS.