I always suspected pinheads were mentally ill...

Quite frankly, I'd rather be around those that incorrectly report their mental status to be bad, rather than those who incorrectly report their mental status to be excellent.
Quite frankly, I'd rather be around those that incorrectly report their mental status to be bad, rather than those who incorrectly report their mental status to be excellent.

Yeah. Dixie is just desperately searching for "proof" then he is not mentally ill.
Well, usidiot, it seems to say that both Republicans and Democrats, as well as Independents, have no problem 'rating themselves'. Now, Republicans were more likely to say they had excellent mental health, probably because Republicans do have better mental health as a group. Less than a majority of Democrats claimed to have excellent mental health, 38% to be exact. Most likely, this is because Democrats as a group, are loony tunes.

What's interesting here is, all I did was post the survey, and Democrats came out of the woodwork to refute it and call it meaningless. If it had been the other way around, you would be proclaiming it The Truth of All Truth's! You guys are all about "polls" until they show something you don't like, then they are completely meaningless and irrelevant. It's almost comical watching Solitary and Waterhead spin and wiggle.

Pragmatically, just think about this with an open mind a bit... stop jumping to defend your nutcase political party, and think like an intelligent rational person. It stands to reason, most all the cuckoo birds on the public dole, are most likely beholden to the Democrat party, since it's the hand that feeds them... literally... so, naturally, they bring down your overall average. Hey, I can't help what the statistics show, they are what they are, and you should just shut up with the pathetic defense and accept it. This does, however, explain why the Democrat platform is so insane, and why all those Democrat National Convention delegates looked like they just got off the short bus.

Clearly an unbiased analysis ;)
Quite frankly, I'd rather be around those that incorrectly report their mental status to be bad, rather than those who incorrectly report their mental status to be excellent.

Well Waterhead, do you have any proof whatsoever... any at all... that these people incorrectly reported their mental status? I've already offered two points to support my view... One being, people are usually pretty accurate about self evaluation... the other being, most mental patients getting a monthly 'disability' check and government-paid-for meds to keep them from shooting up the local Burger King, are most likely to be Democrats, since Democrats have a legacy of providing for these nutbags.

You have offered nothing... nadda... zilch! Just your profound opinion! Frankly, I had rather you be around those with less-than-excellent mental health as well, it's where you fucking belong! Now if we could just institutionalize your nutty asses, so you'll stop screwing up the political process in this country! How would you feel about government funded Jell-O?
Well Waterhead, do you have any proof whatsoever... any at all... that these people incorrectly reported their mental status?

Do you have any proof that they do? It seems if you can go around saying that god exists with only your inductive philosophizing as proof, I can do the same. :cof1:
I've already offered two points to support my view... One being, people are usually pretty accurate about self evaluation...

NO they aren't.


Whenever you're talking about mental illness's, there is a reverse social desirability bias. People want to have mental illness's to explain away small flaws in their personality. Conservatives, on the other hand, who ignorantly believe that mental health doesn't exist, just ignore any problems they have until they go into a liberal church and start murdering children.

the other being, most mental patients getting a monthly 'disability' check and government-paid-for meds to keep them from shooting up the local Burger King, are most likely to be Democrats, since Democrats have a legacy of providing for these nutbags.

I don't think they probably vote. Schizophrenics don't exactly have a record for caring much about serious politics. Look at AssHat. And people in asylums don't make up a very large amount of the population anyway.

You're two points are weak as hell.
You have offered nothing... nadda... zilch! Just your profound opinion! Frankly, I had rather you be around those with less-than-excellent mental health as well, it's where you fucking belong! Now if we could just institutionalize your nutty asses, so you'll stop screwing up the political process in this country! How would you feel about government funded Jell-O?

You've offered nothing either but your inductive reasoning, which is useless.

Conservatives should be executed for their crimes against humanity, not institutionalized.
Howdy there Dixie. You and thatr King dadamnation feller are the only two smart ones on here. Keep up the good work against all the liberal commies.
Waterhead, there is good news and bad news here...

The bad news: You are not among the 38% of Democrats who aren't a little nutty.
The good news: You are in the majority!!
NO they aren't.


Whenever you're talking about mental illness's, there is a reverse social desirability bias. People want to have mental illness's to explain away small flaws in their personality. Conservatives, on the other hand, who ignorantly believe that mental health doesn't exist, just ignore any problems they have until they go into a liberal church and start murdering children.

From your link:
Social desirability bias is a term used in scientific research to describe the tendency of respondents to reply in a manner that will be viewed favorably by others. This will generally take the form of overreporting "good" behavior or underreporting "bad" behavior. The effect is common within the fields of medicine, psychology and the social sciences.

.....Gee Wiz Waterhead, this seems to support my original point, that people who say they have "excellent" mental health, most likely have "good" mental health, while people who say they don't have "excellent" mental health, probably don't have it. It was nice of you to post a link to confirm my point, but then you lamely attempted to refute your own source with some idiocy about "reverse social desirability" or some bullshit you made up. That's pretty damn pathetic, even for you, Waterhead!

I don't think they probably vote. Schizophrenics don't exactly have a record for caring much about serious politics. Look at AssHat. And people in asylums don't make up a very large amount of the population anyway.

You're two points are weak as hell.

Who the hell has mentioned "voting" Waterhead? I suspect there are a LOT of Democrats AND Republicans who don't vote! Since the Democrat party is beholden to the fruitcake lobby, proudly carrying the banner for the criminally insane and mentally deranged among us, dedicating massive amounts of public tax dollars to the care and maintenance of people who's elevators don't go to the top floor... I would venture to say, they tend to have more support from those people. Yeah, I am sure there are some who are drooling too much for the crazy house to let the local Democrat Get-Out-The-Vote Brigade stuff them into a bus and cart them down to the polling precinct to cast their Democrat vote, but that wasn't ever what I said.