I am a Californian again

Meh, after Vegas, nothing will seem chaotic, even with the state crumbling all around you. Life without chaos, I dunno...
I have never been to northern California but I hear it's the diametric opposite of Southern Cali. My company wanted to transfer me to Santa Anna about three years ago. I went out there for a week at the Santa Anna office invite and checked out the area. They offered me a 20% increase in salary and I told them "Hell no". Southern Cali sucked. Oh granted there's lots of sunshine and winters are mild but it's all semi-dessert scrub land, that is, what hasn't been converted into cookie cutter suburbia for mile after endless and treeless mile. Oh sure there were parts that were fabulous. The PCH was impressive but since I don't make a couple of million a year that wasn't happening, and then there was the congestion, the endless miles of suburbia with no country side and what country side there was, was literally desert and the cost of living is about double what it would be here for a lower quality of life. I wasn't impressed. I'd rather live in boring blase central Ohio with it's sometimes harsh winters then Southern Cali.
I dont see anything crumbling.

I see sunshine, trees and home.
What part of Cali you in Desh? Like I said, I've been to Southern Cali and wasn't impressed. The beach and coastal scene was nice but you have to be a jabillionaire to live there, the rest of southern Cali didn't impress me at all. There are more trees here in my back yard then I saw in 100 square miles of southern Cali.....of course, that probably would be considerably more trees then in Vegas. Northern Cali I hear is spectacular.
daaaaaaaamn...i thought you lived in cali or is that your rental home on the coast that you now live in??

i almost moved to vegas right out of high school, i thought of going into hotel management as a friend of the family is a GC for hyatt and he gets wicked rates all over the world at hyatts....and vegas has a great school for hotel management (or they did)....but one weekend there and i said hellz no and went to a four year to figure out my life
My wife is in hotel management and is the AGM at a local Hotel of a national chain. It's not quite the Hyatt but it aint the Red Roof Inn either. It's comparable to the Courtyard by Mariott. They have about 200 hotels around the country and we get a $29/night flat rate (normal rate is $100 - $120/night) as one of her employment benefits. That's a sweet benefit!! She doesn't get a lot of weekends off but when she does we take full advantage of that perk and usually take a road trip and almost every time we use it and we arrive and they see she's a colleague they almost always upgrade us to a suite ($125 to $175/night).
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What part of Cali you in Desh? Like I said, I've been to Southern Cali and wasn't impressed. The beach and coastal scene was nice but you have to be a jabillionaire to live there, the rest of southern Cali didn't impress me at all. There are more trees here in my back yard then I saw in 100 square miles of southern Cali.....of course, that probably would be considerably more trees then in Vegas. Northern Cali I hear is spectacular.

I agree, southern California has never really interested me. Northern California is great, but expensive.

But if it is trees you are looking for then I don't think you see many more in northern Cali, near the coast, until you go north of San Fran. Coming from Florida I expected it would seem a little barren, in comparison.
Northern Cali is basically the Pacific Northwest. Lots of rain and green, temperate climate, etc. San Fran is mellow like Portland and Olympia.

The Central Coast is supposed to be to die for, though. The Southern beaches will appear awesome or not depending on what you are used to. Here in the PNW, our beaches are a laughing stalk, and all-outsiders (namely Californians and Gulf Coasters) refuse to call them "beaches."
Northern Cali is basically the Pacific Northwest. Lots of rain and green, temperate climate, etc. San Fran is mellow like Portland and Olympia.

The Central Coast is supposed to be to die for, though. The Southern beaches will appear awesome or not depending on what you are used to. Here in the PNW, our beaches are a laughing stalk, and all-outsiders (namely Californians and Gulf Coasters) refuse to call them "beaches."

this is true