'I am a Zionist': Trudeau commended for speech condemning antisemitism

It's the usual tale; horny, aging Brit wangles a post in Thailand and falls for the old soak-a-lecher routine. Before he knows it, she's up the duff and he's supporting her whole family.

At least she really was a "she", if you take my meaning. So many of the Thai "girls" ain't, you know.
Justin Trudeau's Ego

Yesterday I cried during a press conference, but it's not because I'm sad to step down.It's because I'm losing my powers as dictator.Soon I won't be able to divide Canadians, call them names, freeze their bank accounts, or trample them with horses.


No, its because like much of Congress you are a performance artist, and you decided that tears here would be good to sell your agenda.
Fuck all, but that doesn't bother a pair of cunts like MacMoonshi'ite and Legion.


It's the usual tale; horny, aging Brit wangles a post in Thailand and falls for the old soak-a-lecher routine. Before he knows it, she's up the duff and he's supporting her whole family.

At least she really was a "she", if you take my meaning. So many of the Thai "girls" ain't, you know.
I'll take your word for it.
Poor maggot. Everything he supports ends up down the Swannee.
The English- as is well documented- are terrified of both Muslims and Scots.

Haw, haw..............................haw.

Enjoying Ramadan, maggot, ya wee numpty ?

Haw, haw................................haw.