I am apologizing to christiefan

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on indefiniate mod break
Believe it or not, even though I love talking shit on JPP, I usually do it to people that I think either A) deserve it or B) can throw down, or not take it personally

I think my exchanges with Christie have gotten to a point of unnecessary meanness, even for my standards, and I don't like acting that way. I don't want to contribute to putting more negativity into the world if it can be avoided. I think with christiefan in particular, I can avoid it.

Christie aggravates me and I will never agree with her on many things, but moving forward, I am simply done with the personal attacks. That is not to say I still wont argue, but I am not going to make it personal anymore. I am moving on.

I am doing more meditation and my meanness towards christie is not in line with my personal morals anymore or where I want my mindset to be.

So christie, this is me offering an olive branch. I am burying the hatchet, as it were. I am apologizing for all my past behavior.
some disclaimers:

- This does NOT mean I still dont' believe most liberals are anti american domestic terrorists. This belief however is a general statement and not pointed at any one individual.

- FYI I dont believe christie is blameless and she's thrown around her fair share of insults as well, but I don't really care who started it. That's not relevant to me or this thread.

- This is apology is about christie, not about others. I still think some others on here absolutely deserve to be lit into. Liars and hypocrites will still feel my ire. I am still going to be the same ole grind. When it comes to mindset, it's about who I feel deserves my vindictiveness and who doesn't. I don't think chrisitie deserves it, and thus in doing so it would be me unnecessarily putting negativity into the world, which I do not wish to do.
So christie, this is me offering an olive branch. I am burying the hatchet, as it were. I am apologizing for all my past behavior.
You're wasting your time. I just tried having a civil discussion with that cunt and it was hopeless. I learned.

You have to admit, I'm one of the more civil on this forum usually. But at times I lose my patience with people like that. She hit a nerve with me. My mother was a saint and she died from Alzheimer's. And somehow that cunt thinks that being afflicted with that physical disease which affects the brain is somehow a character defect. I used to think that would be a good way to go but it's not at all after seeing what my mom went thru.
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This brings up something interesting: Should Males and Females be treated differently on JPP?
(yes, I know this isn't 'politically correct', but I'm just wondering how the interaction should take place?)
This brings up something interesting: Should Males and Females be treated differently on JPP?
(yes, I know this isn't 'politically correct', but I'm just wondering how the interaction should take place?)

I treat some the same. PiMP for example.
You have to admit, I'm one of the more civil on this forum usually. But at times I lose my patience with people like that. She hit a nerve with me. My mother was a saint and she died from Alzheimer's. And somehow that cunt thinks that being afflicted with that physical disease which affects the brain is somehow a character defect. I used to think that would be a good way to go but it's not at all after seeing what my mom went thru.
ChrisChristies#1fan is an asskisser motivated by the opinions of others.

She was probably trying to impress Owl with whatever she said, which is ironic since Owl was allegedly a nurse in that particular field. Don't pay the idiot any attention.
ChrisChristies#1fan is an asskisser motivated by the opinions of others.

She was probably trying to impress Owl with whatever she said, which is ironic since Owl was allegedly a nurse in that particular field. Don't pay the idiot any attention.

I wonder if he thinks the same of other posters.
This brings up something interesting: Should Males and Females be treated differently on JPP?
(yes, I know this isn't 'politically correct', but I'm just wondering how the interaction should take place?)

Anybody that considers Alzheimer's to be a character defect is a cunt. So in answer to your question, no.
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