I am apologizing to christiefan

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You realize that they have wished deaths on people and on my family? And other worse posts.

No I don't. But I can't blame you for taking it personal and if you consider them the worst people on the planet I understand.
To consider anybody afflicted with Alzheimer's as a character defect is worse than TDAK's racism, IMO.
No I don't. But I can't blame you for taking it personal and if you consider them the worst people on the planet I understand.
To consider anybody afflicted with Alzheimer's as a character defect is worse than TDAK's racism, IMO.

Actually I don't take it personal. I just laugh at them and move on.

I am curious about her post in question. My grandmother had Alzheimer's.
Believe it or not, even though I love talking shit on JPP, I usually do it to people that I think either A) deserve it or B) can throw down, or not take it personally

I think my exchanges with Christie have gotten to a point of unnecessary meanness, even for my standards, and I don't like acting that way. I don't want to contribute to putting more negativity into the world if it can be avoided. I think with christiefan in particular, I can avoid it.

Christie aggravates me and I will never agree with her on many things, but moving forward, I am simply done with the personal attacks. That is not to say I still wont argue, but I am not going to make it personal anymore. I am moving on.

I am doing more meditation and my meanness towards christie is not in line with my personal morals anymore or where I want my mindset to be.

So christie, this is me offering an olive branch. I am burying the hatchet, as it were. I am apologizing for all my past behavior.

did you have your dik cut off
I am curious about her post in question. My grandmother had Alzheimer's.

My initial post. Nonpartisan, nothing political, innocuous. Talking about class.


Not only does she interject politics needlessly but considers Alzheimer's a character defect. Which happens to be what my mother, who was a saint, died of.

My initial post. Nonpartisan, nothing political, innocuous. Talking about class.


Not only does she interject politics needlessly but considers Alzheimer's a character defect. Which happens to be what my mother, who was a saint, died of

I see what you mean. Doesn't mean I agree with your interpretation of what she said, but I do see what you mean.

I gotta give you credit for one thing though. You gave props to Obama with no hate.

And thank you for giving me links to those posts. ;)
Anybody that considers Alzheimer's to be a character defect is a cunt. So in answer to your question, no.

Maybe they are more child-like and have to be treated more like children? You know how they all say 'Women and Children first'. They lump them together. Sure, it's politically correct to pretend they are 'equal', but in Reality, maybe they aren't. Maybe there should be some special Rules for the people here that have vaginas rather than penises?

If you called me (or anyone else here) a 'dick', the response would never be "I will never talk to you again".
But, you calling a person that has a vagina a 'cunt' elicits that response.
See the difference?
Is he? He sure talks like a girl and his avatar is feminine.

Hmmm ... OK. Let me try to say this in a more gentle manner: He was born with a penis. PMP may 'identify' as something other than his biological inheritance, not for me to judge.
Hmmm ... OK. Let me try to say this in a more gentle manner: He was born with a penis. PMP may 'identify' as something other than his biological inheritance, not for me to judge.

Same here. If he acts and talks feminine, not my place to judge.

But it does make it easier for me to treat "him" the same as I treat male posters. I was raised to be a gentleman.
Actually I don't take it personal. I just laugh at them and move on.

I am curious about her post in question. My grandmother had Alzheimer's.

I understand that. My aunt had Alzheimer's and I am very familiar with devastation it causes. Her life ended in the Alzheimer's wing of an assisted living home and it was horrible for all of us to witness.

anonymouse is a filthy liar and a hypocrite to boot. I never, ever considered Alzheimer's to be a character defect or said such a thing, that's just ludicrous. anonymoose is trying to cover his ugly words by saying I drove him to it. Those are the words of every abuser in history who can't control his or her behaviour. My comment about reagan referred to the fact that republicans covered for him after it was long evident he couldn't handle the job anymore.

anonymouse has numerous posts saying Biden has dementia, and uses it as an insult. If anonymouse really had any honor he'd never joke about dementia no matter his opinion of the person, but he's a hypocrite. anonymouse has selective indignation, as seen on this thread.

Lying, hypocritical anonymouse can fuck himself rigid, the slimy little pissant.
Maybe they are more child-like and have to be treated more like children? You know how they all say 'Women and Children first'. They lump them together. Sure, it's politically correct to pretend they are 'equal', but in Reality, maybe they aren't. Maybe there should be some special Rules for the people here that have vaginas rather than penises?

If you called me (or anyone else here) a 'dick', the response would never be "I will never talk to you again".
But, you calling a person that has a vagina a 'cunt' elicits that response.
See the difference?

Dick doesn't have the same connotation as cunt, don't be absurd. Men love talking and bragging about their dicks. Women don't do the same about their vaginas.
I understand that. My aunt had Alzheimer's and I am very familiar with devastation it causes. Her life ended in the Alzheimer's wing of an assisted living home and it was horrible for all of us to witness.

anonymouse is a filthy liar and a hypocrite to boot. I never, ever considered Alzheimer's to be a character defect or said such a thing, that's just ludicrous. anonymoose is trying to cover his ugly words by saying I drove him to it. Those are the words of every abuser in history who can't control his or her behaviour. My comment about reagan referred to the fact that republicans covered for him after it was long evident he couldn't handle the job anymore.

anonymouse has numerous posts saying Biden has dementia, and uses it as an insult. If anonymouse really had any honor he'd never joke about dementia no matter his opinion of the person, but he's a hypocrite. anonymouse has selective indignation, as seen on this thread.

Lying, hypocritical anonymouse can fuck himself rigid, the slimy little pissant.

Yes. He gave me a link to your post. I didn't read it as saying it's a character defect. Reading comprehension might be the issue.
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