After I no longer had the most because of Yurt and Toms little feud, I decided I wanted to have the least. So I asked Grind for -100000000 points.

I forget if its still there, but Grind was already known for having set his points way down into the negatives. Nice one though, I think its hilarious!
I forget if its still there, but Grind was already known for having set his points way down into the negatives. Nice one though, I think its hilarious!

No, his are "normal" now. So I have the least. I think my little gesture did more to further his goal of rep being meaningless then his giving it away did.
I happen to be one of those guys who thinks married men should give up porn and strip clubs, but whatever. Nice to know you have an easily accessable stash for your sig line.
I happen to be one of those guys who thinks married men should give up porn and strip clubs, but whatever. Nice to know you have an easily accessable stash for your sig line.

It's an aid, and something we can share. I don't go to strip clubs unless I want to get kicked out. And there are only so many times you can do it in the same town.
capt please stop trying to justify yourself to loser3d. it's your life, none of his business, and he's long overdue for a suicide.
i am empathizing with capt, which means i am not a sociopath. unless i am cleverly tricking you O______O