I am evil and lazy.

we really need to organize an official jpp meetup. beer, hotwings, music, me being awkwardly shy once i realize I can't say shit behind a screen with zero repercussions, it would be an amazing time.

You'd be over in my corner of the room, because I'm no competitive drinker. I love good beer, and I can enjoy some good liquor, but I have no intention of getting in the way of Billy v. Beefy, 666 US (2010). My humor is mostly lame, but given enough beer, I'm sure you won't mind it as much. That is, I say "ur mom" to almost anything, and I have a lot of dry sarcasm, random puns and witticisms, etc.
i have a suspicion captain crunch went into the marines just BECAUSE of the fact he can't drink and he's trying to cover it up.
i have a suspicion captain crunch went into the marines just BECAUSE of the fact he can't drink and he's trying to cover it up.
I'd been drinking a good deal earlier then when I enlisted. As for my lying about service, it'd be pretty hard to fake some of the info about what you guys sent me while I deployed. And the picture of me on top of a machine gun.
I'd been drinking a good deal earlier then when I enlisted. As for my lying about service, it'd be pretty hard to fake some of the info about what you guys sent me while I deployed. And the picture of me on top of a machine gun.

Hang on, you were only 18 when you enlisted. How the fuck were you already drinking?!!?
Hang on, you were only 18 when you enlisted. How the fuck were you already drinking?!!?
I was 17 when I enlisted. And I started like many others in that age group; illegally. I started drinking around 13. By the time I enlisted I had already gotten over the 'need' to get shitty every weekend. Not to say I still didn't get shitty, I just didn't feel like that was the point of drinking.
I'd been drinking a good deal earlier then when I enlisted. As for my lying about service, it'd be pretty hard to fake some of the info about what you guys sent me while I deployed. And the picture of me on top of a machine gun.


see i never remembered you "from before"

you're the dude that desh sent a bunch of stuff too.


I'd been drinking a good deal earlier then when I enlisted. As for my lying about service, it'd be pretty hard to fake some of the info about what you guys sent me while I deployed. And the picture of me on top of a machine gun.

i didn't say you lied about your service, i say you lied about your drinking skills O_O
I was 17 when I enlisted. And I started like many others in that age group; illegally. I started drinking around 13. By the time I enlisted I had already gotten over the 'need' to get shitty every weekend. Not to say I still didn't get shitty, I just didn't feel like that was the point of drinking.

LOLZ I was just being sarcastic. :clink:

see i never remembered you "from before"

you're the dude that desh sent a bunch of stuff too.


I've said it multiple times. I even joined this site when I was in Iraq. You're memory sucks Grind.