I am in big bigggg trouble

Oh my...this is looking bad. OK....if you’re feeling extremely paranoid (don’t open the closet door) and nearing psychosis watch reruns of The Big Lebowski and chew on a couple of black peppercorns. You’ll come to mello and may even have an overwhelming desire to drink a White Russian.
"I am going to be doing JPP MADNESS, I have selected 64 posters and we are all going on brackets, and we will be doing a march madness bracket in search of the ultimate spaz champion"

I am going to go out on a limb here ... and guess that Yurt will be 'Spazz Champion'.
Dude...what you be fuckin with Grinds buzz for? Like you never got hit by the good idea fairy when you was chilling?
completely different

Edible buzzes are typically much deeper, intense, and long lasting.

With smoking/vaping, you usually peak around 10 minutes, then you have about a 30 minute soaring phase, then the next 30-45 minutes you are still pretty high, but not blitzed, then after the 1st hour you get into the mellow high stage where you become very chill, music is great, and you coast here for a while for another 1 hour or so, after that you start coming out of it and for me I am usually back to normal around 2.5 hours. If not earlier these days because my tolerance is so high now.

Edibles you eat them, and then nothing. Then more nothing. This goes on for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. You wonder if they worked. You wonder if you wasted your money, or if you didnt make your firecrackers correctly in the oven. Then you enter what I call the placebo stage. This happens at about 75 minutes in. You start thinking, "am I high?" and then you're like... "nah...", you think you might be slightly light headed, but you could just be overthinking it. Then 15 minutes later, almost as if it completely snuck up on you, you enter the confirmation stage. Where you go... oh yeah "yup... I am def good and I am not imagining this. I am high" The confirmation stage is equal to the normal vape/smoking peak stage. BUT THEN ... if your edibles are good, after another 15 minutes your body kicks it up to a whole never level, and you enter the "hollllly shit, I am about to go for a ride" stage. THis is when you are like... way more high than usual. You've gone to 11. You are sitting in your chair or watching TV or posting on JPP and you are basically like "yup... I went too far," as if you just got on a roller coaster but you forgot to put the hydrolic saftey harness down.

This is the stage where novices freak the fuck out and think they are dying if they don't have a lot of experience, because it's usually more intense than normal weed. I mean, it's really not THAT crazy, but noobs can get scared. Everything is at maximum intensity, if you are watching a depressing/psychotic movie, you may not feel good. I remember watching "antichrist" by lars von trier once on edibles:

This will usually last for about 20-30 minutes. Then you go back down to the normal peak zone, that most people are comfortable with, but this stage will typically last much longer than normal. So you might be in the zone for a couple of hours. Then you get into the mellow high stage, which again might last 3 hours or so, then a couple more hours of comedown. If you had really strong edibles, sometimes you'll feel a residual high into the next day, where you are a bit zombiefied and have the mental capacity of someone that didn't get much sleep the night before.

Hope this helps.

Excellent post Grind!
Just to clarify, Marijuana highs can be different for different people. Grinds experience may not be your own.

For example, some people freak out their first time partaking. First time I had was with my dad and then we went and had pancakes and milkshakes at my favorite midnight diner and I couldn't even order my favorite pancakes because I couldn't stop laughing.

One of the best nights ever with my dad.
completely different

Edible buzzes are typically much deeper, intense, and long lasting.

With smoking/vaping, you usually peak around 10 minutes, then you have about a 30 minute soaring phase, then the next 30-45 minutes you are still pretty high, but not blitzed, then after the 1st hour you get into the mellow high stage where you become very chill, music is great, and you coast here for a while for another 1 hour or so, after that you start coming out of it and for me I am usually back to normal around 2.5 hours. If not earlier these days because my tolerance is so high now.

Edibles you eat them, and then nothing. Then more nothing. This goes on for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. You wonder if they worked. You wonder if you wasted your money, or if you didnt make your firecrackers correctly in the oven. Then you enter what I call the placebo stage. This happens at about 75 minutes in. You start thinking, "am I high?" and then you're like... "nah...", you think you might be slightly light headed, but you could just be overthinking it. Then 15 minutes later, almost as if it completely snuck up on you, you enter the confirmation stage. Where you go... oh yeah "yup... I am def good and I am not imagining this. I am high" The confirmation stage is equal to the normal vape/smoking peak stage. BUT THEN ... if your edibles are good, after another 15 minutes your body kicks it up to a whole never level, and you enter the "hollllly shit, I am about to go for a ride" stage. THis is when you are like... way more high than usual. You've gone to 11. You are sitting in your chair or watching TV or posting on JPP and you are basically like "yup... I went too far," as if you just got on a roller coaster but you forgot to put the hydrolic saftey harness down.

This is the stage where novices freak the fuck out and think they are dying if they don't have a lot of experience, because it's usually more intense than normal weed. I mean, it's really not THAT crazy, but noobs can get scared. Everything is at maximum intensity, if you are watching a depressing/psychotic movie, you may not feel good. I remember watching "antichrist" by lars von trier once on edibles:

This will usually last for about 20-30 minutes. Then you go back down to the normal peak zone, that most people are comfortable with, but this stage will typically last much longer than normal. So you might be in the zone for a couple of hours. Then you get into the mellow high stage, which again might last 3 hours or so, then a couple more hours of comedown. If you had really strong edibles, sometimes you'll feel a residual high into the next day, where you are a bit zombiefied and have the mental capacity of someone that didn't get much sleep the night before.

Hope this helps.

Did you ever use the THC drops??
Just to clarify, Marijuana highs can be different for different people. Grinds experience may not be your own.

For example, some people freak out their first time partaking. First time I had was with my dad and then we went and had pancakes and milkshakes at my favorite midnight diner and I couldn't even order my favorite pancakes because I couldn't stop laughing.

One of the best nights ever with my dad.

Good post Yurt
Just to clarify, Marijuana highs can be different for different people. Grinds experience may not be your own.

For example, some people freak out their first time partaking. First time I had was with my dad and then we went and had pancakes and milkshakes at my favorite midnight diner and I couldn't even order my favorite pancakes because I couldn't stop laughing.

One of the best nights ever with my dad.

Thank you for the explanation. I am sure that each experience the same person might have could also be different.
i'm noticing many non stoners in this thread very interested. I think I am going to convert you people one day.
i'm noticing many non stoners in this thread very interested. I think I am going to convert you people one day.

You could start by giving us some stock picks.

"Market Outlook
Stocks are up big in the first quarter after a terrible end to 2018. We are growing more cautious on the industry over the next few months and think investors who are sitting on unrealized gains may want to move partially into cash and wait for a better entry point."