Hey mods can the right threaten to kill people here?
no idea what you're talking about
Read the post in your quote
The best part of all of this is that it is killing the GOP's chances in the Georgia Senate races. Trump has undermined confidence in those races as well.
What makes you think the left will do that? I have no info to decide how Biden will be. I am hopeful, but fixing Trump's messes will take time.
The Dems fix the economy. Trump and Bush crashed it. Do you not follow politics? Do you not have a calendar?
So IF the dems actually do what you suggest they will follow the lead of GHW, GW, and Trump. All 3 left the country with a damaged economy.i'm looking forward to the next 4 years of you idiots declaring biden/harris the best president/VP in history as they destroy the economy and send us in to another depression while you blame all of it on trump..............that's gonna be hilarious
i'm looking forward to the next 4 years of you idiots declaring biden/harris the best president/VP in history as they destroy the economy and send us in to another depression while you blame all of it on trump..............that's gonna be hilarious
Hey mods can the right threaten to kill people here?
No, see the dems history is fixing the GOP mess.
Good to see a trumplican admit that asshole lost.
i'm looking forward to the next 4 years of you idiots declaring biden/harris the best president/VP in history as they destroy the economy and send us in to another depression while you blame all of it on trump..............that's gonna be hilarious
After 4 years of the complete incompetence of CorruptRump, we have nowhere to go but up.......lol
Not another tRump loving vagina? Say it aint so............lol
nope..........i'm one of those libertarian anarchists looking to see the world start to burn.......
nope..........i'm one of those libertarian anarchists looking to see the world start to burn.......
Then why dont you relocate to a country where that might occur?
You would think in a state where both Repubs are up for crimes that stem from their inside use of government knowledge for enriching themselves, that they would have trouble getting elected. But that apparently is just baked in. Hey, cheating is OK. Now they are both in quarantine for Corona, which does not exist. They eschewed masks and distancing because they were not going to get it. They both were fleeing debates.