Let's go Brandon!
Rot.I am vaccinated, what next?
Rot.I am vaccinated, what next?
I received my second vaccination today, I was given the Moderma vaccine. When your group is called, you really should take the vaccine. We got to get too, herd immunity!
If you already got your COVID-19 vaccine, are you wondering when the immunity kicks in and how long it lasts? Can you still catch COVID-19 and can you infect others? How long do you need to take precautions after vaccination? WHO’s Dr Kate O’ Brien answers one Science in 5.
I don't want to spread the disease.
I received my second vaccination today, I was given the Moderma vaccine. When your group is called, you really should take the vaccine. We got to get too, herd immunity!
If you already got your COVID-19 vaccine, are you wondering when the immunity kicks in and how long it lasts? Can you still catch COVID-19 and can you infect others? How long do you need to take precautions after vaccination? WHO’s Dr Kate O’ Brien answers one Science in 5.
When can we expect herd immunity for COVID-19?
COVID-19 is a very contagious disease. A large percentage of the population will need to be immune against the disease (through infection or vaccination) before herd immunity will be achieved. It is not known when that will happen, but it will depend on how many people develop immunity after COVID-19 infection, how soon a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available to the general public, and how many people get vaccinated. Throughout this time period until herd immunity is achieved, it is very important to continue to wear masks in public and social distance to slow the spread of COVID-19.
Excerpt from: APIC
The experts say you should get the vaccine, even if you had the virus?!! I think I may have had it back in March?
Stay home or kill yourself
The shot killed Hank Aaron
And you bought that? Here's your sign:
The experts say you should get the vaccine, even if you had the virus?!! I think I may have had it back in March?
If you have antibodies, you have natural immunity. No need for the vaccine
I am vaccinated, what next?
If you have antibodies, you have natural immunity. No need for the vaccine
Big Monkey Dollop
Immunity to what, Nazi dumbass ? All variants ?
Haw, haw.............................haw.
Almost no cases of reinfection have happened yet...if they do start to happen THEN is the time to worry.
Big Monkey Dollop
Immunity to what, Nazi dumbass ? All variants ?
Haw, haw.............................haw.
In fact, reinfections ARE commonplace already in Brazil. It's announced today that the second huge spike in Brazilian infections is due to another new virus variant and is infecting people who have already ' recovered ' from the original virus infection. So you can forget universal immunity. What's required is world-wide vaccine development cooperation to keep pace with new variants and a program of repeated vaccinations as new vaccines are developed.
It seems reasonable to say that those who do not get vaccinated will be more likely to become infected and - obviously- those that become infected are more likely to die.
A million dead Americans ? Refuse social distancing, refuse masks, refuse washing hygiene, refuse vaccination and that's what you'll get.