There's a mistake.
How foolish of you to think such a thing.
And it is not correct.
There are good moral people on both sides.
And there are bad immoral people on both sides.
Forget simplicity.
It's a complicated world.
no matter how good people try to be
when they base their judgement on lies and REFUSE to ever admit the lies they base their thoughts on lead them to BAD decisions their intent isn't good
Its embracing lies
if you base your decisions in LIES that means you base your decisions on BAD information
Bad information in means bad decisions out
It is each persons responsibility to determine what is true and what is false
Those that don't do that do diligence to remain in the word of facts have made an evil decision
If you shun facts to sooth your emotions you make an evil decision.
LIES kill everything good
Because they produce BAD decisions
BAD decisions harm your fellow man
TO EMBRACE LIES IS EVIL no matter your intent for embracing those lies
get it
stop being evil ( not you personally poli because I believe you try to embrace truth) and embracing lies that you have had proven to by FACTS to be lies.
It doesn't matter what emotional reason you decided to embrace lies and destroy the world of facts