I call on America to renounce violence

So Muslims must renounce violence but America shouldn't? Why shouldn't America be required to renounce violence?

Liberal idiot.

America doesn't go around trying to conquer. Islam does.

The US military only gets involved when a friendly nation wants our help through treaty, or when defending the United States itself, its territories, or its citizens.
If Islam attacks our citizens, the United States, any of its territories, or threaten any of our alliances and treaties, we WILL fight back.
I call on America to renounce violence

I call on America's terrorist militia, the US Armed Forces, to disarm

:lolup:Escaped his padded cell this morning. :laugh:

The US Armed Forces are not a militia, either federal or State organized.

Why do you want the US military to disarm?

America doesn't go around trying to conquer. Islam does.

The US military only gets involved when a friendly nation wants our help through treaty, or when defending the United States itself, its territories, or its citizens.
If Islam attacks our citizens, the United States, any of its territories, or threaten any of our alliances and treaties, we WILL fight back.

Dude; NEVER take anything this poser posts seriously. He's just trolling.
It is hilarious how astonished imperialists are when they are challenged to impose symmetrical conditions on themselves that they ask for oppressed people worldwide to abide by in order to be taken "seriously"

It's like their brain stops working for a second, "DOES. NOT. COMPUTE."

If America won't renounce violence, neither should Muslims. This is a basic concept, symmetricality, fairness. Imperialists don't understand it, all they understand is "ME STRONG BOW TO ME".

Islam: Violent since 632 AD
America: Violent since 1603/1776/1789 AD

I think we have some catching-up to do before we vow to stop being violent.