Its redistribution of the wealth...........Obama style, just like he promised. The first law of communism....
Sure Blabo.
What is the medicaid and social security you collect called?
You have yours fuck every body else. Fuck you.
Its redistribution of the wealth...........Obama style, just like he promised. The first law of communism....
what is your MORAL excuse for wanting Americans to go untreated in this country by the millions?
the Op is likely lying.
He is also likely a sociopath
Another brain dead leftist talking point; Insurance does not equate to health or treatment. You have to be a brain dead asshat to believe that this effort will not result in massive additional deficits and the US taxpayer forced to pay trillions for these subsidies and think that the poor will suddenly be healthier.
There is one way to ensure healthcare for everyone; CREATE JOBS...something this Presidency has failed misrerably in. We are becoming a welfare nation thanks to the idiot policies of this moron in charge.
so you attck the person who agrees with you instead of the right wing partisan hack who said the stupidity.
Yes it is better to decide things with facts instead of myths.
Pretending religion is BETTER is what the religious do to us non believers all day long 24 7
OK, I just cannot wrap my brain around this one. the ACA (Obamacare) is supposed to save money? How the hell would it when it will surely jack up my premiums AND also consider my current medical plan to be a "Cadillac" plan and force my company to either ditch it (forcing me onto the government roles) or hike my premiums even further? I know what this is. it is a Democrats' wet dream to destroy the private health insurance sector and usher in total governmental control over ALL aspects of healthcare!!! I am soo pissed off about this it isn't funny. And we Conservatives WARNED about this bullshit long ago, but the low information morons disregarded it and elected this incompetent boob not just once, but TWICE!!!! And he has the gall to blame Republicans?? I cannot wait until the fallout and imminent defeat of Liberalism so we can say "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!"
Only publicly funded hospitals.Let me ask you political newbies a question then. Healthcare is free today/yesterday. All people have to do is go to the ER.
The problem you wing nuts have with Obamacare is you're afraid it will work, which means the govt works, and this goes against your conditioning to believe govt is bad.
The light at the end of this tunnel will be a train running your party over.
OK, I just cannot wrap my brain around this one. the ACA (Obamacare) is supposed to save money? How the hell would it when it will surely jack up my premiums AND also consider my current medical plan to be a "Cadillac" plan and force my company to either ditch it (forcing me onto the government roles) or hike my premiums even further? I know what this is. it is a Democrats' wet dream to destroy the private health insurance sector and usher in total governmental control over ALL aspects of healthcare!!! I am soo pissed off about this it isn't funny. And we Conservatives WARNED about this bullshit long ago, but the low information morons disregarded it and elected this incompetent boob not just once, but TWICE!!!! And he has the gall to blame Republicans?? I cannot wait until the fallout and imminent defeat of Liberalism so we can say "WE TOLD YOU SO!!!"
Does your employer pay your premiums for your 'Cadillac Plan?'
Do you work for a large company; i.e, 50 employees?
Does your employer pay your premiums for your 'Cadillac Plan?'
Do you work for a large company; i.e, 50 employees?
All of the compliance costs associated with Obamacare mean that employers will likely have a lot less money to pay their employees.
In February, the New York Times published an article in which a chief executive detailed different ways health care regulations would siphon money from an employee’s paycheck. He also calculated that a 23-year-old employee would pay $1.8 million in health care costs over their lifetime.
You might be asking yourself: I can spare a little for the greater good, right? Even if I have lower pay, won’t this reform still be good for the economy as a whole?
Not necessarily.
The idea behind President Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan — growing the economy from the middle out and not the top down — was that all economies need demand from the average citizen. This was also the Keynesian concept behind the president’s 2009 stimulus. People need the purchasing power that comes from having more money in their pocketbook.
But if Obamacare is sapping everyone’s sources of income, how can the middle class pay for anything to stimulate the economy?
Do you think Companies force the taxpayers to cover their plans? Or do they use their own profits and employee contributions to do that?
If you think private company benefits are similar to a massive Government mandate that intrudes into your personal life, you're dumber than a rock.
Since when is the 50 people large? That's a ridiculous designation.
Let me get this straight. You are complaining that it is going to cost you more, yet you feel you will be getting something you are not paying for? (government teat)
Currently, the government pays 72% of the premiums for members of Congress. Think about where the money comes.
Make one wonder what does the Walton family, who controls Walmart are the richest family in the U.S. and one of the richest in world with a net worth of $93 billion, have to about their government subsidies they receive ($1.2 billion) in tax breaks and accepting taxpayers to subsidize their lowest wage earners' poor benefits?
What type of rock are you?
Your taxes went up?it could have been could have made your taxes go up......oh, wait.......