I can't believe that I found Legion, Legion's My Soulmate!

I know you wish you could run your hand through his hairy legs.

I wish you had a brain and were funny; really I do. But boorish, repetitive and stupid are the only adjectives that come to mind. ;)

Run along you puerile little threat troll. Every thread isn't about and sure as hell isn't about you.
I wish you had a brain and were funny; really I do. But boorish, repetitive and stupid are the only adjectives that come to mind. ;)

Run along you puerile little threat troll. Every thread isn't about and sure as hell isn't about you.

Says the guy who is obsessed with Biden.
So you can't find any. That means you were lying again. ;)

Legion has autism. That's one good thing about him because that gives him the ability to cut through bullshit.

But the disturbing thing is that he's a stalker.
Everyone really needs to stop & check ya'lls self.......

Legion has a disease, Legionaries disease, DUH!!!! it's not his fault, he was born this way, it's a disability..

He is often bed ridden & unable to walk, & not just he was out partying all night either.:mad: