I can't do anything right - BECAUSE OF I LOVE ANATTA

I don't give a shit about the rules you established for yourself, and leaning on those rules like this makes you look like a little bitch who is unable to control the board he spent all this time and money on.
We've established this before...

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my only response to you.

This will include this. I will continue to "fix" the posts that are posted where they should not be as I see fit and I care nothing at all about whether you think it "shows I have no control"... because you are a dishonest twit who can't follow the simplest instruction and I enjoy making people laugh.
We've established this before...

I will not engage in any conversation with you because I believe you are disingenuous and incapable of a conversation based on information when such is introduced to you. If I see you act differently in the future I may begin to engage with you again. But until then, this will be my only response to you.

This will include this. I will continue to "fix" the posts that are posted where they should not be as I see fit and I care nothing at all about whether you think it "shows I have no control"... because you are a dishonest twit who can't follow the simplest instruction and I enjoy making people laugh.

I think you are mistaking your own depressed cynicism for something else.
Damocles is right on the money with you

Kill yourself.

You are already depressed, and since your depression is so destructive, you could limit the damage to society by offing yourself right now.

It doesn't even have to be painful. You could just take one of the guns you use to masturbate and put the barrel to your heart and pull the trigger.

I say put it to your heart because if you killed yourself with a gunshot to the head, we wouldn't be able to study your brain to figure out why you are the way you are.
What's LottaVaseline's beef with Damo?

It's not MY beef with him, it's HIS BEEF with me.

He's the one who is all touchy and defensive about his precious board that he's spent all this money and time trying to cultivate in bad faith, only to have me come along and mock the whole endeavor.

This kind of shit doesn't silence me, it makes me LOUDER.
It's not MY beef with him, it's HIS BEEF with me.

He's the one who is all touchy and defensive about his precious board that he's spent all this money and time trying to cultivate in bad faith, only to have me come along and mock the whole endeavor.

This kind of shit doesn't silence me, it makes me LOUDER.

Ah okay.
Is this thread going to stay on page one forever?

And why did I just send it back to the fucking top?

I should have taken that primal scream class after all.