Unite or Die
Ah. The refrain of Republicans everywhere...
Bush who? Huh? Where am I? How did I get here?
Bartender! Where's my pants?
Ah. The refrain of Republicans everywhere...
Bush who? Huh? Where am I? How did I get here?
Ah. The refrain of Republicans everywhere...
Bush who? Huh? Where am I? How did I get here?
Excellent observation. It's kind of ironic when just about every response I've gotten from Dixie & other Bushies over the past few years when pointing to some glaring incompetence or corruption of the Bush admin is, "Clinton! And.....Clinton!"
...and let me just add, if I may.... I know some of you may be ready for me to shut up... but, this is important.................................................ahemm.................................................. If we truly our message...... in our....uhm.... message of hope...........hope and change...........we should be......uhm..uh....willing, and by willing I mean, ready to accept..... living by example. We can never hope to have...............uh...... the change..... and the hope...... if we aren't ready to ....uhm... uhm..... uhm..... ready to move........ forward......... not backward..... We mustn't let ourselves.........get....get..get... caught up in... in... in the hopelessness..... and uhm... uhm.... err... uhm.... non-change of our past......and by past I mean, the past.......president......past administrations.....past elections...... we have too much look forward to in the future.....and it all starts with hope.... and change!
Tough shit. We had to put up with 8 years of one of the worst and most divisive Presidents in US history. You'll just have to deal with 4 years of some one who is at least competent.
Hey Dixie. If you cant stand the thought of four years of Obama in the white house, MOVE.![]()
I am actually looking into buying a marina in the Bahamas on Berry Island.
Policy wise, I don't know that an Obama presidency would be much different from a McCain presidency, other than, Obama might cause the bigger war in the middle east.
It's just the plodding way he speaks in interviews, drives me nuts. I like to hear Obama give a speech, he is excellent at that, and McCain always sounds like Lawrence Welk to me. He is actually better speaking off the cuff in an interview. It's odd.
I don't know about the rest of you, but one of the main reasons I hope Obama loses the general election, is the plodding way he speaks in interviews. It is so excruciatingly painful to listen to, and it just drives me crazy! It's like he has to distill and ruminate every word that comes out of his mouth, as if he has a a little tiny 'focus group' inside his head, approving everything that moves past the lips!
Today, I was listening to a sound bite of him, being asked a question about "reparations for slavery" and I honestly didn't have the time to listen to the end of his reply, it simply took longer than my break for him to finish his thought. To paraphrase what he said, and again, I didn't listen to the end, but it went something like this....
Senator Obama? What would you do as president regarding reparations?
Obama: Well let me just say that.... uhhhm.... our country.... and I mean, everyone of every color in our country..... has a lot to..... uhm... has a whole lot to be... to be ashamed of ...and by ashamed, I mean.... uhmmm... we have a lot to be.... uhm.... regretful for.... with regard to ... to slavery and the legacy of slavery. We must.... uhm.... we must focus.... and by focus, I mean.... uhmm.... really pay attention ....and concentrate... on...... uhm.... bringing together..... not just blacks and whites.....although that is a big issue..... but people of all color.... and when I say, bring together.... I mean..... uhmmm.... uhmmm... I mean we should.... try..... try to put the.....past... uhm.... behind us..... and move ahead for the future of our country.... and by move ahead, I mean.... uhmm... embrace change.... and foster uhm... hope.
I mean..... I can't uhm.... handle.... and by handle, I mean... uhm... deal with... having to..... uhm...uhm.... listen..... uhm... listen to how he talks.... and by talks, I don't mean his speeches.... he is a pretty good speaker.... but uhm.... the way he has to..... has to.... uhm.... break everything down.... and by, break everything down, I mean..... uhm.... dissect it into little segments... where everything is then ...uhm..... uhm.... sub-analyzed.... and ...uhm.... carefully worded to.... to... to.... to get the optimal meaning and ....uhm essence.... of... the essence of..... fuck, I forgot what the hell I was saying!
I can't deal with 4 years of this!![]()