I can't understand how this is a negative comment


I do not place any higher value on the life of an American or of a white person, than I do on the life of a non-American or a brown person. --Darla

If it weren't Asshat's signature, I'd suspect that if it were in the signature it would be for praise. Asshat even finds it necessary to link it to the article to "prove" that she made the comment. Anyone see why someone would take actual offense to the comment?

I think the real question that needs to be asked is:

What about yellow people, huh Darla? Ya just going to leave them out to dry? Cuddling up to your whites and your browns... but the poor yellow people never get no love!
I do not place any higher value on the life of an American or of a white person, than I do on the life of a non-American or a brown person. --Darla

If it weren't Asshat's signature, I'd suspect that if it were in the signature it would be for praise. Asshat even finds it necessary to link it to the article to "prove" that she made the comment. Anyone see why someone would take actual offense to the comment?


Only someone with the mindset of a Klansman would find anything remotely wrong, or even peculiar, about Darla's statement.
I do not place any higher value on the life of an American or of a white person, than I do on the life of a non-American or a brown person. --Darla

If it weren't Asshat's signature, I'd suspect that if it were in the signature it would be for praise. Asshat even finds it necessary to link it to the article to "prove" that she made the comment. Anyone see why someone would take actual offense to the comment?


Come, this way to the mighty Egress, sucker fool!
some oriental ladies are HOT!

Some white ladies are hot...

I talked to someone about this today. He said he went to Japan, and that he expected to find a bunch of girls with really hot bodies there. All he found were 50 year old single mothers and such... you had to search for the really hot girls, and they were always taken anyway.

I said it kind of reminded me of America. I don't think any race is specifically hotter than any other. But exotic races like Asian, the kind you don't usually see many of them walking around in America, you usually only see them in films and stuff, and the Asians in films aren't representative of the general populace any more than the whites in films are.
Some white ladies are hot...

I talked to someone about this today. He said he went to Japan, and that he expected to find a bunch of girls with really hot bodies there. All he found were 50 year old single mothers and such... you had to search for the really hot girls, and they were always taken anyway.

I said it kind of reminded me of America. I don't think any race is specifically hotter than any other. But exotic races like Asian, the kind you don't usually see many of them walking around in America, you usually only see them in films and stuff, and the Asians in films aren't representative of the general populace any more than the whites in films are.

Some laides of all origins are hot and hot is not just looks.
Not brains per sie, but hot is much more than just looks. A lot is attitude.

As I said you will learn.

US I know exactly what you're trying to mean. I've just never heard anyone say "OH LOOK AT THAT ATTITUDE THAT'S SO HOT!" And besides. Attitude is really selective to the culture - and Asians have a completely different culture that would make their attitude seem foreign to us. Still, men call their girls hot just based on looks.
Damn! She can factor a polynomial SO fast! Ohhh... I'd hit it in a second.
That's not the only part of a mind that can be exciting.

Factoring polynomials are not exactly 'hot' to females either... There is a reason that the dude who can do it usually ain't hitting it. However the mind is the ultimate aphrodisiac.