Truck Fump / h1b
Verified User
I do not place any higher value on the life of an American or of a white person, than I do on the life of a non-American or a brown person. --Darla
If it weren't Asshat's signature, I'd suspect that if it were in the signature it would be for praise. Asshat even finds it necessary to link it to the article to "prove" that she made the comment. Anyone see why someone would take actual offense to the comment?
as previously posted:
"I can explain the idiocy of darla's reasoning.
Darla feels she's enlightened because she "loves all humans equally". To prove this she will side against those closest to her in nationality or race everytime, to prove she's enlightened. Thus her "enlightenment" results in discrimination to those closest to her. This is the psychopathy of "world citizenship" and precisely why she is The Enemy Within." context