Teflon Don
I'm back baby
There was really a few assumptions. The rest was simple math. Although, as your leftist buddy Dutch Uncle likes to day, deductive reasoning led me to my assumptionsSo many assumptions, and all of them wrong.![]()
1) You aren't a young person. I suspect you are >62
2) Typically at that age, ones investment portfolio takes on less risky assets
3) I merely picked the S&P 500 as it is one of the best markers of performance out there today. Because, there is no way you are some super investor who outperforms the S&P 500 on a consistent basis.
So with those assumptions in mind, based on your claim of making $13,000 in one day, it is simple math to back into the investment balance.
The S&P went up 1.59% on Friday. $13,000 divided by 1.59% = approx. $817,000
So, I stand by my assumptions. Don't be embarrassed, having $800K in investment savings is nothing to sneeze it. It puts you squarely in the top 5% of people with retirement savings. You should be proud.
Retiring comfortably is all about generating passive income. Lots of ways to do that.