I can't wait for leftists to tank the economy tomorrow

So many assumptions, and all of them wrong. :laugh:
There was really a few assumptions. The rest was simple math. Although, as your leftist buddy Dutch Uncle likes to day, deductive reasoning led me to my assumptions

1) You aren't a young person. I suspect you are >62
2) Typically at that age, ones investment portfolio takes on less risky assets
3) I merely picked the S&P 500 as it is one of the best markers of performance out there today. Because, there is no way you are some super investor who outperforms the S&P 500 on a consistent basis.

So with those assumptions in mind, based on your claim of making $13,000 in one day, it is simple math to back into the investment balance.

The S&P went up 1.59% on Friday. $13,000 divided by 1.59% = approx. $817,000

So, I stand by my assumptions. Don't be embarrassed, having $800K in investment savings is nothing to sneeze it. It puts you squarely in the top 5% of people with retirement savings. You should be proud.

Retiring comfortably is all about generating passive income. Lots of ways to do that.
You're too late.

The economy is already tanking. The market is down almost 2,000 from its high. Consumer & investor confidence is lower. Jobless claims are up.

So what? people make just as much when it falls as when it's over-priced. See short sales and options trading for how that works. Some stocks are going to keep doing well.
I really hope you have a financial planner that is helping you out and not making decisions based on the President. The stock market has been long overdue for a correction. Have we seen a top? Some people think we have. I would never ever give investment advice, but as I said I thought it was funny that you bragged about one day out of the week and didn't take the entire volatility of the week into account. But, that is a leftist for you. Always cherry picking information to suit their needs.

I do congratulate you on amassing approx. $800K in investment savings. That is more than most.

P/E ratios are absolutely absurd even with the drop.
There was really a few assumptions. The rest was simple math. Although, as your leftist buddy Dutch Uncle likes to day, deductive reasoning led me to my assumptions

1) You aren't a young person. I suspect you are >62
2) Typically at that age, ones investment portfolio takes on less risky assets
3) I merely picked the S&P 500 as it is one of the best markers of performance out there today. Because, there is no way you are some super investor who outperforms the S&P 500 on a consistent basis.

So with those assumptions in mind, based on your claim of making $13,000 in one day, it is simple math to back into the investment balance.

The S&P went up 1.59% on Friday. $13,000 divided by 1.59% = approx. $817,000

So, I stand by my assumptions. Don't be embarrassed, having $800K in investment savings is nothing to sneeze it. It puts you squarely in the top 5% of people with retirement savings. You should be proud.

Retiring comfortably is all about generating passive income. Lots of ways to do that.
Oooooh, Donnie is playing Gordon Gekko like other MAGAts play lawyers, doctors and climatologists. Awesome! :thup:

Red waves are coming!!!​

I really hope you have a financial planner that is helping you out and not making decisions based on the President. The stock market has been long overdue for a correction. Have we seen a top? Some people think we have. I would never ever give investment advice, but as I said I thought it was funny that you bragged about one day out of the week and didn't take the entire volatility of the week into account. But, that is a leftist for you. Always cherry picking information to suit their needs.

I do congratulate you on amassing approx. $800K in investment savings. That is more than most.

Condescending cretins are so amusing. Suffice it to say that our net worth is well into 7 digits. I do enjoy your envy and attempts to patronize though. Maybe next time you endeavor to belittle someone's comment, study the context first. The joke was that some boycott no one but the Reichwingers cared about was going to crash the economy on Friday. Someone asked whether that happened. I replied that apparently not, since our investments made $13K on Friday. The rest of the week -- and year -- wasn't in question. Trump's name only came into it when I pointed out that YTD's earnings weren't as robust because of the chaos and uncertainty wrought by Trump. Try reading some WSJ articles and see how their economists and advisers agree. Ciao!
There was really a few assumptions. The rest was simple math. Although, as your leftist buddy Dutch Uncle likes to day, deductive reasoning led me to my assumptions

1) You aren't a young person. I suspect you are >62
2) Typically at that age, ones investment portfolio takes on less risky assets
3) I merely picked the S&P 500 as it is one of the best markers of performance out there today. Because, there is no way you are some super investor who outperforms the S&P 500 on a consistent basis.

So with those assumptions in mind, based on your claim of making $13,000 in one day, it is simple math to back into the investment balance.

The S&P went up 1.59% on Friday. $13,000 divided by 1.59% = approx. $817,000

So, I stand by my assumptions. Don't be embarrassed, having $800K in investment savings is nothing to sneeze it. It puts you squarely in the top 5% of people with retirement savings. You should be proud.

Retiring comfortably is all about generating passive income. Lots of ways to do that.

You're so adorable when triggered. :ROFLMAO:
You're so adorable when triggered. :ROFLMAO:
Projecting again? You are in a flurry of posts. I must have touched a nerve.

Maybe your economist husband can explain the difference between net worth and your actual investments. Many people have most of their net worth tied up in their home. Did you know that?

I was actually commending you. $800,000 is nothing to sneeze that.

BTW, you could have $1,000,000 and say seven figures. It really isn't the same as it used to be thanks to Bidenflation. But, kudos to you
Projecting again? You are in a flurry of posts. I must have touched a nerve.

Maybe your economist husband can explain the difference between net worth and your actual investments. Many people have most of their net worth tied up in their home. Did you know that?

I was actually commending you. $800,000 is nothing to sneeze that.

BTW, you could have $1,000,000 and say seven figures. It really isn't the same as it used to be thanks to Bidenflation. But, kudos to you

I'd ask you what you do for a living and how you accumulated this knowledge but know you'd only run from the question again so I won't.
Condescending cretins are so amusing. Suffice it to say that our net worth is well into 7 digits. I do enjoy your envy and attempts to patronize though. Maybe next time you endeavor to belittle someone's comment, study the context first. The joke was that some boycott no one but the Reichwingers cared about was going to crash the economy on Friday. Someone asked whether that happened. I replied that apparently not, since our investments made $13K on Friday. The rest of the week -- and year -- wasn't in question. Trump's name only came into it when I pointed out that YTD's earnings weren't as robust because of the chaos and uncertainty wrought by Trump. Try reading some WSJ articles and see how their economists and advisers agree. Ciao!
Projecting again? You are in a flurry of posts. I must have touched a nerve.

Maybe your economist husband can explain the difference between net worth and your actual investments. Many people have most of their net worth tied up in their home. Did you know that?

I was actually commending you. $800,000 is nothing to sneeze that.

BTW, you could have $1,000,000 and say seven figures. It really isn't the same as it used to be thanks to Bidenflation. But, kudos to you

Wow, you definitely added some extra condescension sprinkles to your Frosted Flakes this morning, didn't you? Hopefully you now feel better about yourself, having lectured someone who's forgotten more about economics and the markets than you ever knew. Ta-ta!

I'd ask you what you do for a living and how you accumulated this knowledge but know you'd only run from the question again so I won't.
What I do for a living is none of your business. The "knowledge" that you speak is really just studying the topic. Math is math. I do not profess to be a financial guru. I myself have a financial planner, but it would be against my fiduciary interests to not at least have a basic understanding of what is going on. Just turning something that important over to someone else would be irresponsible.

BTW, it wouldn't matter how many degrees I told you I held or what I did for a living, you would say you don't believe me and that I was lying about it. That is how you leftists roll.

Best, to allow you to live in your delusions that all Trump supporters live in Appalachia, in mobile homes with outhouses right buddy?

I'd ask you what you do for a living and how you accumulated this knowledge but know you'd only run from the question again so I won't.

What knowledge? He's simply repeating stuff that any reasonably well-read person already knows You know, like the figure one million has seven digits in it. :laugh:

This is typical MAGAT mansplaining to make their support of a failed bankrupt "businessman" seem logical. He also seems to think that women are as stupid as he is. Oops!
What knowledge? He's simply repeating stuff that any reasonably well-read person already knows You know, like the figure one million has seven digits in it. :laugh:

This is typical MAGAT mansplaining to make their support of a failed bankrupt "businessman" seem logical. He also seems to think that women are as stupid as he is. Oops!
Google is a great boon for Americans, even MAGAts. Passing it off as one's own knowledge is a form of dishonesty.

LOL Agreed. MAGAts ain't too bright.
Wow, you definitely added some extra condescension sprinkles to your Frosted Flakes this morning, didn't you? Hopefully you now feel better about yourself, having lectured someone who's forgotten more about economics and the markets than you ever knew. Ta-ta!
What is funny is that I am giving you kudos for amassing what is arguably a nice little nest egg. Depending on your spending habits, you should be able to live quite comfortably on that.

I know that being a leftist things like irony are lost on you, but I find it funny that you accuse someone of being condescending while in the same post saying things like "I have forgotten more about economics and the market than you ever knew". You marxists never seem to disappoint. You always go on and on about "the rich" then like to regale us all with how rich you are. Is it your self loathing?

This topic seems to have made you quite defensive. I will learn from now on never to complement you.


Economics and finance while related are really separate fields of study. But kudos to you if you are an expert in both.