I could get behind public flogging for this:


JPP Modarater

"SSEX, Md. - Two teenagers were charged with breaking into a school and pouring an acidic drain cleaner on playground equipment that later burned a 2-year-old boy on a slide, Baltimore County police said Tuesday.............

The 2-year-old, Peyton Potochney, suffered second- and third-degree burns, mostly on his legs, after he went down a slide. His mother, Carol Duschl, has said the little boy likely will be hospitalized for several weeks."

If these are the kids that did this, I'd like to beat the living snot out of them and shove liquid drain cleaner down their pants. How fucked up do you have to be to think this is remotely funny? I hope they can get charged as adults.
Could the put tatooes on their foreheads saying "STUPID" that would go away in a couple of years as well ?

Everyone they met would see that.
If it was my kid they would be in some serious danger. They better put them in custody for a long time, if it happens to my kid.
How about making them/their parents pay for all the medical care, parents time off from work, etc as a part of the legal penalty without having to sue ?
Money talks pretty loudly, just ask spin.
If it was my kid they would be in some serious danger. They better put them in custody for a long time, if it happens to my kid.

Exactly. I'm livid over this and I don't even know the kids. I'd definitely like the chance to even the score with these punks. Targeting toddlers??!!!
How about making them/their parents pay for all the medical care, parents time off from work, etc as a part of the legal penalty without having to sue ?
Money talks pretty loudly, just ask spin.

That goes without say. But if I had my way, they'd have to pay big time and it wouldn't be pretty either.
Like the guy with the knife in the pizza parlor the other day ?

Note to self: Never get ladyT seriously pissed at self....
Like the guy with the knife in the pizza parlor the other day ?

Note to self: Never get ladyT seriously pissed at self....

I think you get the picture. I'd like these punks to experience horrific and traumatizing pain 10X worse than what that 2 y/o had to go through. He's probably still in the hospital. And for what?
It's funny how we get emotional when it concerns kids, even those who don't have kids. I felt the same way (and still do) when I read this earlier. You have to wonder what these older kids were even thinking. I'm with Damo, they'd not want to meet up with me in the aftermath of this.
Well if you vote Democrat you end up with a weaker justice system, they appoint more Liberal judges who tend to go softer on people like this. So Tiana you have to take a hard look at things and maybe rethink your options if this concerns you.
And of course I agree with you on this, if it was my kid on that slide, I would demand to meet the parents and those kids would pay bigtime.
"they'd not want to meet up with me in the aftermath of this."

Right there with ya. In cases like this, there is no such thing as cruel and unusual punishment in my eyes. They would go down.... HARD.
Could the put tatooes on their foreheads saying "STUPID" that would go away in a couple of years as well ?

Everyone they met would see that.
Since we can't permanently tattoo "Dumbass" across their foreheads, how about a universally accepted abbreviation? Maybe DTO for "Dangerous To Others"? We could use DTC on pervert kiddie rapers, too.
Since we can't permanently tattoo "Dumbass" across their foreheads, how about a universally accepted abbreviation? Maybe DTO for "Dangerous To Others"? We could use DTC on pervert kiddie rapers, too.

Once upon a time we put those who were dangerous to others in a "prison", maybe we should rethink that.
Well if you vote Democrat you end up with a weaker justice system, they appoint more Liberal judges who tend to go softer on people like this. So Tiana you have to take a hard look at things and maybe rethink your options if this concerns you.
And of course I agree with you on this, if it was my kid on that slide, I would demand to meet the parents and those kids would pay bigtime.

Oh please. Do you ever give it a rest?
Its pretty clear that nothing legal is ever going to punishment enough for what they deserve.
I am for the permanent tatoo for repeat child molestors, and for temp tatoos for other types of criminals. And making it a 5 yr atutomatic sentence for removal of such tatooes.

While we are at it why not imbed RFID devices in people not allowed to be around children and have scanners in school doorways and such ?

We will have imbedded RFID credit cards and such in another 10 years anyway.

A literal mark of the beast :)
But not quite as the bible intended.
"Oh please. Do you ever give it a rest? "

Lady T... I assume the above was rhetorical.

"Its pretty clear that nothing legal is ever going to punishment enough for what they deserve."

Capital punishment would work. They are 16 after all.... the war on teenagers begins!
I am for the permanent tatoo for repeat child molestors, and for temp tatoos for other types of criminals. And making it a 5 yr atutomatic sentence for removal of such tatooes.

While we are at it why not imbed RFID devices in people not allowed to be around children and have scanners in school doorways and such ?

We will have imbedded RFID credit cards and such in another 10 years anyway.

A literal mark of the beast :)
But not quite as the bible intended.

On my gut emotional reaction, I'd say yes.