I could get behind public flogging for this:

Oh please. Do you ever give it a rest?
Its pretty clear that nothing legal is ever going to punishment enough for what they deserve.
That statement makes no sense whatsoever, you're basically saying that you are ok with weaker Liberal judges imposing weaker sentences as they do, because hey a Conservative judge still wouldn't have made the punishment strong enough.

It's sort of like saying a rapist who you thought deserved a life sentence, got only 10 years, so what the hell may as well give them 5 years instead because its pretty clear that what was the legal punishment wasn't enough.

Damn you're stubborn.
"Oh please. Do you ever give it a rest? "

Lady T... I assume the above was rhetorical.

"Its pretty clear that nothing legal is ever going to punishment enough for what they deserve."

Capital punishment would work. They are 16 after all.... the war on teenagers begins!

I didn't think it was legal to do that if the perp didn't kill someone.
"Umm, I thought Satan booked those reservations ?"

No, I make the reservations, HE gets to decide HOW to torture them. Unless we are talking about Job... i pick on him no matter what.
"why wait?"

Well, I am waiting for all the liberals to stop watching so that I can smite their asses. If I do it while they are watching, they will have to accept the fact that I am here and I really don't want to hear them whine "forgive me...forgive me" over and over again for not believing... yada yada yada...