I could shoot someone and would not lose any voters!

well then you are in luck as Biden is doing what Trump would not.

Trump was all about the Sugar high, of providing tax cuts to the rich and corporations while ballooning the deficit and debt. Something that could provide short term stock market boosts but long term harm to the US economy as debt continued to pile up.

Biden has been making significant and substantial investments in America that will pay back over decades to come while reducing the deficits, and investing in infrastructure, which also will pay back for decades to come.

The republiclowns are drooling over taking power after Biden, just as they did after Clinton and Obama, all of whom handed the Republiclowns, economies that were on significant improvement trajectories and booming, only then for the republiclown to step in, take credit, as Trump did, and then hand the next Dem administration a broken economy tending towards the toilet.

Its laughably predictable at this time, that Dems will hand off a good economy trending the right way, and republicans will hand back a shit one, while offering only a handful of excuses of why THIS TIME AGAIN, they are handing back shit for Dems to fix.

Trump tried to pass the biggest infrastructure bill in history but the democrats refused to negotiate with him.
Trump tried to pass the biggest infrastructure bill in history but the democrats refused to negotiate with him.

Ya but Trump's plan was typical GOp politician BS.

...but his 2019 budget reveals that that number’s a mirage: the President would cut annual federal support for infrastructure in the long run and shift costs to states, cities, and private individuals. As we previewed here, it likely would mean cuts to some of the areas in which new infrastructure investment is needed most — while providing a potential windfall for private investors.

At its core, the President’s approach is a bait and switch that would cut federal support for infrastructure over the long term. The centerpiece is $200 billion in “new” federal funds that the Administration claims can support at least $1.5 trillion in investment. But the budget proposes deep cuts to programs in the same agencies that would receive new grant-making authority under his infrastructure proposal.

For example, the budget (even with its “addendum” to account for the budget deal) slashes support for mass transit, ends the Transportation Department’s TIGER program (which supported some of the most innovative local infrastructure projects over the last eight years), and cuts investment for new projects at the Army Corps of Engineers. It also eliminates the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s main programs for building and renovating affordable housing, even as the Trump infrastructure initiative would not support much-needed housing infrastructure.

In addition, the President’s budget includes — buried on page 122 of the supplemental “Analytical Perspectives” document — a major cut in federal spending from the Highway Trust Fund that would reach $21 billion a year by the end of a decade. Normally trust fund projections would reflect the spending needed to maintain the current levels of investment. But the Administration proposes to spend no more in a given year than the dedicated trust fund revenues it’s currently projected to receive each year, largely through the federal gas tax. This change would move away from a bipartisan consensus in recent years to provide additional money to the fund to prevent such an outcome, effectively resulting in a cut of $122 billion in Highway Trust Fund spending over the last seven years of the budget’s ten-year timeframe....

...The $1.5 trillion figure simply assumes that states, localities, and the private sector will provide $1.3 trillion of that support. The core element of the new initiative — $100 billion in grants that must account for no more than 20 percent of a project’s cost — puts the burden on states and localities to fund the vast majority of any investment, while punting on the question of how they will raise the money. And that’s on top of other burdens that the budget would impose on states and localities by cutting programs like Medicaid and SNAP (formerly food stamps), even as the new tax law may make it harder for them to raise revenues by limiting the state and local tax deduction....

I am curious if Trump voters know he is mocking your stupidity and ethics when he made this comment, which we saw prove out time and again with his numerous crimes.


What Trump is saying above is that he could 'get away with doing even heinous crimes with republican voter base as they are dumb and he could manipulate them such that he would lose no votes or support'.

Trump was to the left of many Dem politicians prior to running, on many major issues, but he did not see the opportunity to manipulate Dem voters, in that way, and as such he ran as a republi'can'.

So my question is 'are you Trump voters at least smart enough...self aware enough... to know he was mocking your intelligence and ethics or are you so dumb you are unable to make that connection??

Word stuffing. Trump never said it.
As we have seen, they, and the they includes the majority of the Republican Party plus a major news network, could care less what Trump did or said, even if it is breaking the law. To them, Trump is above the law, which is why many see it as a cult

It is BIDEN and the DEMOCRATS that think they are above the law. Biden has ignored most of immigration law, discarded the Constitution of the United States, and discarded the constitutions of every State. It is BIDEN that committed multiple acts of treason (including supplying the enemy with weapons and supplies in time of war, inviting invasion of the United States, calling for civil war, etc).
Willful ignorance is thinking there is any value in quoting a few one of posts, by individuals, in the day and age of bot's and trolls.
Even in the best case of us acknowledging a 2-3 crazies on the left, that does nothing to equate to the LEADER of the right, acknowledging that his ENTIRE base would let him get away with the worst crimes and then proving that correct.

That is a foolish attempt at a WHATABOUT!

It was not me making that point. That was Trump himself recognizing that his base was stupid and gullible and immoral that even if he did the most heinous of crimes they would let him get away with it.

That recognition by Trump (proved now true) should shock and insult any fair minded person.

Word stuffing. Trump never said it.
Locomotive Breath Trump thought that if he threw the handle off the train, that no one would be able to slow him down.

But, I know this, every runaway train before him has met a certain disastrous tragic ending!

And Trump will too! All in time folks- All in time!

Cliche fallacy. There is no 'runaway train'.
In fact, that statement about shooting someone on 5th Avenue was when Trump realized his con was working on a national level. He too was incredulous that his blustering was actually working. it still does. He should have said I could rape someone and my followers would not leave me. I could steal a truckload of classified documents and they would not care. Whatever I do, they will stay. If other presidents did those things, they would be building gallows.

Word stuffing. Trump never said it.
well then you are in luck as Biden is doing what Trump would not.
He certainly is. Biden is destroying the economy, committing multiple acts of treason, and discarded the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
Trump was all about the Sugar high, of providing tax cuts to the rich and corporations
Trump cut taxes across the board, dumbass.
while ballooning the deficit and debt.
DEMOCRATS were in charge of the House, dumbass. The House responsible for the debt AND the deficit, NOT THE PRESIDENT.
Something that could provide short term stock market boosts but long term harm to the US economy as debt continued to pile up.
It is DEMOCRATS that started the current economic depression. It is DEMOCRATS that borrowed more money.
Biden has been making significant and substantial investments in America that will pay back over decades to come
No doubt. Investments like destroying the economy, starting with the energy and automotive markets. Now there are shortages everywhere. High inflation everywhere, and a debt that is now over $32 TRILLION, thanks to his DEMOCRAT buddies.
Biden has converted the FBI, the IRS, and the BATF into Gestapo like agencies, and using them to attack political opponents.
Biden has even called for civil war (an act of treason).
while reducing the deficits,
The deficit is NOT reduced. You are hallucinating.
and investing in infrastructure,
There isn't any. You are hallucinating.
which also will pay back for decades to come.
It certainly will. The disaster of decaying infrastructure is costing everyone and will for a long time.
The republiclowns are drooling over taking power after Biden, just as they did after Clinton and Obama, all of whom handed the Republiclowns, economies that were on significant improvement trajectories and booming, only then for the republiclown to step in, take credit, as Trump did, and then hand the next Dem administration a broken economy tending towards the toilet.
Inversion fallacy. Trump ended the economic depression that lasted throughout the Obama years and almost a full year into the Trump administration. He got government out of the way of business (and the economy). That lasted until DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression, still ongoing.
Its laughably predictable at this time, that Dems will hand off a good economy trending the right way,
Economic depression is NOT a good economy.
and republicans will hand back a shit one,
Inversion fallacy. You can't lay YOUR problems on anyone else.
while offering only a handful of excuses of why THIS TIME AGAIN, they are handing back shit for Dems to fix.
Inversion fallacy. Again, you are mindlessly chanting what the DEMOCRATS tell you to chant.