I dislike purposefully ingorant people...

There is absolutely no way I will vote for Huckabee. We cannot survive another populist religious-only conservative who will spend us to oblivion.
LOL then we'll have Hill or Hussein, either who will spend worse than that as well as be weak on defense. Good choice.:rolleyes:
LOL then we'll have Hill or Hussein, either who will spend worse than that as well as be weak on defense. Good choice.:rolleyes:

Weak on defense is merely a code word for "won't bomb iran and start many wars".

Just a clarification.

Its cool that you like war and death, and you don't mind our guys losing life and limb for political reasons rather than security, but just try not to sugar coat it so much.
QFT, I'll vote Libertarian again. If the Rs think they'd survive another spender in the WH, then they are retarded.

I would have been willing to give my vote to the Republicans this year, but they don't seem to want it.

The Democrats aren't much better, either....I guess I will likewise vote Libertarian and then just laugh at whichever side wins.