No you can't, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and of course I can.
No you can't, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and of course I can.
No you can't, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and of course I can.
No you can't, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and of course I can.
No you can't, Francis.
the charter with Peewee here is francis
My name is not Francis...and of course I can.
No you can't, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and yes, I truly can.
Sorry you are unable to see it.
No you can't, Francis.
I'm sorry that you can't see or admit it.
My name is not Francis...and I most assuredly can.
In fact...I am doing it.
Sorry you are not equipped intellectually to see it.
No you can't, Francis; but is that what you believe.
My name is not Francis.
I do not do "believing." One can KNOW things. "Believing" is not necessary.
Yes it is necessary, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and, NO, it is not necessary.
Yes it is, Francis.
My name is not Francis...and no, it isn't.
Yes it is, Francis.