I don't care, Obama is worse than Hitler

I have presented enough evidence to choke a horse that this country has become a plutocracy. But you right wingers refuse to accept facts, you operate on pure emotion and ideology.

If this graph truly portrays income distribution over the last 60 years, it looks more like a climb toward plutocracy than a slide toward socialism.

If this graph truly portrays income distribution over the last 60 years, it looks more like a climb toward plutocracy than a slide toward socialism.

Looks like roughly a 3x increase across the board. Except the bottom 20 though, they only had around 2x increase.
I have presented enough evidence to choke a horse that this country has become a plutocracy. But you right wingers refuse to accept facts, you operate on pure emotion and ideology.

One of your earlier posts suggested that I was a fox news viewer. I'm not. So don't assume I am.

As for me, I'm someone, just like a multitude of people here in the USA, that want gov't out of their life as much as possible. I can't afford to subsidizing privet, or public unions, mothers on welfare, and a host of other things that is nothing more than a parisite to me and my family. You seem to be able. You redistribute your own wealth. Don't include me.