I don't date ugly chicks

Don't sweat it. But you're missing out. Its the beasts that are willing to satisfy the weird fetishes. The hot ones don't have to. For what its worth.

I'm high.
And you don't have to worry about someone snatching them away from you.

Absolutely, a key item there. Hot girls will ALWAYS find someone better than you without even looking for it. Ugly broads, they're top shelf, not corrupted, love-you-for-yourself kind of people.

Nail on the head USC.
Don't sweat it. But you're missing out. Its the beasts that are willing to satisfy the weird fetishes. The hot ones don't have to. For what its worth.

There are usually two types of women, those you'd date and those you'd f*ck.

The consensus is right, uglier chicks are dirty and grateful, but the best bet is to find a dirty, grateful chick who you would date. You can have your cake and eat it. Sometimes you get lucky.

Don't go for the absolute stunners who have been the most popular girls in school etc, they will have their heads firmly up their arses. Go for the level just below them.

And never, ever shag a fat chick. That is just plain wrong, immoral.
Mmmmn.... Hot dirty grateful chicks, or ugly dirty grateful chicks.....?

You've actually met any "chicks" hot or ugly, who were "grateful"? For what, your penis?

I hope you are joking, there's not exactly a penis shortgage going on.

Anyway, thanks for the thread boys. You certainly proved my point. As men you can say anything, no matter how obnoxious or insulting and no one cares. Let a woman say she won't date cops, and she's a pinko who is "being watched".

Good work!
ou've actually met any "chicks" hot or ugly, who were "grateful"? For what, your penis?

I hope you are joking, there's not exactly a penis shortgage going on.

Anyway, thanks for the thread boys. You certainly proved my point. As men you can say anything, no matter how obnoxious or insulting and no one cares. Let a woman say she won't date cops, and she's a pinko who is "being watched".

Grateful as in glad to be shagging you... And yes, my penis dammit! lol

And when have I ever told you to date Cops Darla? Doesn't bother me who you date as long as you get some...

And women have similar conversations to this, you should hear the GF when she and her mates get going,....
you losers haven't dated enough hot chicks

Why do you say this?

As the theme for the Fall Guy goes.... Never been seen with anything less than a nine, so fine...