I don't date ugly chicks

I was not referring to making it a habit to pursue ugly girls because of the perception that they might be easy :)

But nothing wrong with dating em or even marrying one if you are compatible enough as any marriage should be , not one or the other looking for a free ride or a trophy.

Absolutely. Everybody's looks fade anyway. And I never knew what good looks had to do with good sex. Good sex is all in the head and all about what your connection is.
The thing of it is, hot chicks are just as likely to have kinks that fit with yours as ugly chicks are. And no, if it doesn't turn them on even ugly chicks won't play the kink games. Buying such a "fact" can make a man do things that will create victims of girls who should be treated better than that.

And WM, your 99% statistic... Give me a cite. Methinks you are exaggerating. While the numbers would be high, they would not be that high.
The thing of it is, hot chicks are just as likely to have kinks that fit with yours as ugly chicks are. And no, if it doesn't turn them on even ugly chicks won't play the kink games. Buying such a "fact" can make a man do things that will create victims of girls who should be treated better than that.

And WM, your 99% statistic... Give me a cite. Methinks you are exaggerating. While the numbers would be high, they would not be that high.

Exactly! That is what I was trying to say, exactly. To dismiss the idea that "hot chicks" like hot sex, is to deny a woman's sexuality. That attitude appears to me to say, that a woman will only be passionate to the point of doing something other than the top two positions, if she is ugly and desperate. It would never happen just because it turns her on, because she gains pleasure from it.

that is soooo Madonna/whore. I thought we were through with that?
Darla, some are grateful for the sex and attention because too many men will not date "ugly girls". It can be a fun and gratifying experience for both parties.
The same pretty much applies to ugly or backwards guys.
As I grew older I began to appreciate what is on the inside vs the outside more.

Hmmmm....well, I've never dated an ugly "girl". I only have dated people I'm attracted to. And that means the whole package, from personality to intelligence to compatibiliby- physical and emotional.

I don't think I'd date anyone who I thought was ugly. And I doubt the claims that physically-ugly women are better in bed. Just, like ugly guys on average, probably aren't good in bed. Good love making takes practice ;)
I have a vagina fetish. And T&A. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Peter North in the sack so any woman who's dating me is settling for me, so I usually treat them well, but I do dig on the sex. I don't think that makes me a mysogynist (SP).
I have a vagina fetish. And T&A. I'll be the first to admit that I'm no Peter North in the sack so any woman who's dating me is settling for me, so I usually treat them well, but I do dig on the sex. I don't think that makes me a mysogynist (SP).

Who the heck is Peter North?

I didn't say you were a misogynist, just that you were pornified. :)
You've actually met any "chicks" hot or ugly, who were "grateful"? For what, your penis?

I hope you are joking, there's not exactly a penis shortgage going on.

Anyway, thanks for the thread boys. You certainly proved my point. As men you can say anything, no matter how obnoxious or insulting and no one cares. Let a woman say she won't date cops, and she's a pinko who is "being watched".

Good work!

The thing of it is, hot chicks are just as likely to have kinks that fit with yours as ugly chicks are. And no, if it doesn't turn them on even ugly chicks won't play the kink games. Buying such a "fact" can make a man do things that will create victims of girls who should be treated better than that.

And WM, your 99% statistic... Give me a cite. Methinks you are exaggerating. While the numbers would be high, they would not be that high.

I don't know what you're talking about.
OK, I started this thread to mock BB, Darla!

MBL just jumped in and disagreed with me because he was high, and USC did the same thing.
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You said that with black and white photos 99% of men stated the same women were "beautiful". I believe you are exaggerating those stats.

I said they ordered them in the exact same order.

I heard it off of the Discovery channel. Damn Discovery channel, refusing to provide transcripts of each episode so that I can google it...

I said they ordered them in the exact same order.

I heard it off of the Discovery channel. Damn Discovery channel, refusing to provide transcripts of each episode so that I can google it...

Gotta love the kids when they start back-peddling way fast!:pke:
Damn...thats a bummer...however I used to be really cute...old age or whatever had different plans ..so I take it I am a bust with ya...lol

Don't go Darla or is that 'Postal' on me for this humor...kay?
The first few posts did make me a bit irritated. And then I decided to read the end of the thread today. When I read the beginning, my first thought was to let you all know that most good looking chicks wouldn't give you guys the time of day anyway....but I didn't want to be mean about it.


The first few posts did make me a bit irritated. And then I decided to read the end of the thread today. When I read the beginning, my first thought was to let you all know that most good looking chicks wouldn't give you guys the time of day anyway....but I didn't want to be mean about it.


oh well I did have better days...can ya say the same down the road??? Yeah ya probaly will be able to say that...never mind I am getting hungry and the weather outside is still warm...the bbq and a couple of cold ones is callin'..have a great one with the studs though...***sigh*** sneaks***off into the sunset with tail between my legs...lol!:clink:
The first few posts did make me a bit irritated. And then I decided to read the end of the thread today. When I read the beginning, my first thought was to let you all know that most good looking chicks wouldn't give you guys the time of day anyway....but I didn't want to be mean about it.



It'll all be OK.