I Don't Feel Like Eating


There Can be Only One!
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

It's all the meth and cum you ingest, dude.
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Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

Get a physical.
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

Appetite is controlled by the pancreas. I highly recommend you see your doctor as that may be a sign something is wrong.
Appetite is controlled by the pancreas. I highly recommend you see your doctor as that may be a sign something is wrong.

It's only been less than 24 hours. Let's wait at least another day before hitting that panic button around my neck (remember, "help I've fallen and I can't get up?")
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

you doing low carb?

that can take away your appetite if you bust out of the disastrous carb/insulin cycle.

it's a good thing.
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

I'm no doctor, but I am willing to take a look.

First of all, the human stomach is about the size of a large hen egg. Of course it will stretch to the size of a weather balloon depending on how much you can feed it and abuse it.

Just go to any Walmart, and you most likely will see an example of the weather balloons riding around on electric carts!

If you start eating less, your stomach will shrink back down to it's original size eventually. The more it shrinks the faster you will feel full and stop eating. The more it stretches- The more food it takes to feel full and stop the hunger pains.

But there are also other factors in play, like your daily caloric intake vs. your daily calories burned ratio.

The more calories you burn- the more calories your body tells you to consume through hunger pains. The less calories you burn during your day, the less likely you will experience hunger pains and feel hungry.

As a general rule, depending on your overall size and shape, the average human body needs about 2500 calories a day. If you exceed 2500 calories a day, you will gain weight. But if you consume less than 2500 calories a day, you will loose weight!

The other factors have to do with how much sugar you consume vs. how much protein and fat you consume and in what combinations.

Here is a tip.

If you want to add calories to your diet to keep from losing weight, you can add 1050 calories a day to your diet, if you drink an ENSURE PLUS with all 3 meals a day.
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I'm no doctor, but I am willing to take a look.

First of all, the human stomach is about the size of a large hen egg. Of course it will stretch to the size of a weather balloon depending on how much you can feed it and abuse it.

Just go to any Walmart, and you most likely will see an example of the weather balloons riding around on electric carts!

If you start eating less, your stomach will shrink back down to it's original size eventually. The more it shrinks the faster you will feel full and stop eating. The more it stretches- The more food it takes to feel full and stop the hunger pains.

But there are also other factors in play, like your daily caloric intake vs. your daily calories burned ratio.

The more calories you burn- the more calories your body tells you to consume through hunger pains. The less calories you burn during your day, the less likely you will experience hunger pains and feel hungry.

As a general rule, depending on your overall size and shape, the average human body needs about 2500 calories a day. If you exceed 2500 calories a day, you will gain weight. But if you consume less than 2500 calories a day, you will loose weight!

The other factors have to do with how much sugar you consume vs. how much protein and fat you consume and in what combinations.

Here is a tip.

If you want to add calories to your diet to keep from losing weight, you can add 1050 calories a day to your diet, if you drink an ENSURE PLUS with all 3 meals a day.

Good points. It was kind a low activity day for me yesterday. I didn't hit the gym. Just did some shopping. Last night at around 11 I went to a park.. I have these stunt/light toy drones I fly over a lake. They have good range. People sitting around the lake like to watch them. But then back, then bed.

So.. that makes sense, except I've had "low activity" days before and still eaten normally. Like I said, if my appetites not back tomorrow, I'll see the doc.

Also, minor correction above. I said my potassium level was low.. it wasn't dangerously low, just at the lowest end of the normal range. So.. I'm pretty much normal and not about to explode, according to my last physical.
Good points. It was kind a low activity day for me yesterday. I didn't hit the gym. Just did some shopping. Last night at around 11 I went to a park.. I have these stunt/light toy drones I fly over a lake. They have good range. People sitting around the lake like to watch them. But then back, then bed.

So.. that makes sense, except I've had "low activity" days before and still eaten normally. Like I said, if my appetites not back tomorrow, I'll see the doc.

Also, minor correction above. I said my potassium level was low.. it wasn't dangerously low, just at the lowest end of the normal range. So.. I'm pretty much normal and not about to explode, according to my last physical.

Doctors tell us that everybody is potassium deficient- just as everybody is vitamin D deficient.

That is because the average human body needs about 4700 MG's of Potassium as a daily requirement- THAT IS A LOT. And because you can consume vitamin D all day long, but in order for your body to absorb Vitamin D effectively, your skin has to be exposed to some sunlight. Yes, like plants, humans also need a certain amount of photosynthesis.

All beans have potassium, but Lima Beans have the very most potassium of just about any food. Also add bananas to your diet. So there are a couple of ways to get your daily requirement.

And as for Vitamin D, dairy products are the very highest, and try to expose as much bare skin to as much sunlight as you can every day, at least 15 minutes if you can.
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

Just pop open a back a bag of dicks. You know how.
Doctors tell us that everybody is potassium deficient- just as everybody is vitamin D deficient.

That is because the average human body needs about 4700 MG's of Potassium as a daily requirement- THAT IS A LOT. And because you can consume vitamin D all day long, but in order for your body to absorb Vitamin D effectively, your skin has to be exposed to some sunlight. Yes, like plants, humans also need a certain amount of photosynthesis.

All beans have potassium, but Lima Beans have the very most potassium of just about any food. Also add bananas to your diet. So there are a couple of ways to get your daily requirement.

And as for Vitamin D, dairy products are the very highest, and try to expose as much bare skin to as much sunlight as you can every day, at least 15 minutes if you can.

Just an update: Had a healthy, late breakfast at 10am. All seems back to normal.

Regarding vitamin D.. I'm told that the sun doesn't provide vitamin D, it merely activates the vitamin already present in your system. I make it a point to "activate" each day. I go out into our courtyard, take off my shirt while I BBQ my lunch and soak in the rays, baby!

It's a gorgeous day here, by the way in the Seattle area. It didn't get below 70 last night and it's going to be 80 today. I shall look forward to taking off my shirt and teasing the ladies in my apartment complex :)
White blood cell count normal? What about PSA?

Like most dudes my age, PSA is high, but it's being managed by meds and under the close eye of my urologist. I had a biopsy about a year ago. Negative. All good.. I just have a high PSA.
It's only been less than 24 hours. Let's wait at least another day before hitting that panic button around my neck (remember, "help I've fallen and I can't get up?")

My wife died of pancreatic cancer one of her symptoms was a complete loss of appetite. Often it is better to be proactive. Good luck.