I Don't Feel Like Eating

3 energy drinks a day is a lot, especially all before 3 PM. That shit is not good for you. Perhaps try to cut back a little on that.

You're about the 800th person to tell me this. I love the Monsters. That first sip in the morning makes me smile - so I'm going to keep drinking them unless they start to affect my health.
You're about the 800th person to tell me this. I love the Monsters. That first sip in the morning makes me smile - so I'm going to keep drinking them unless they start to affect my health.

A former boss worked with a guy who downed a lot of those, too. More than you do.

He had a stroke in his late 20s. Maybe unrelated, maybe not.
A former boss worked with a guy who downed a lot of those, too. More than you do.

He had a stroke in his late 20s. Maybe unrelated, maybe not.

You have to understand that different substances affect different people differently. I know people who can't smoke weed because it just makes them sick and paranoid. I know people who can't drink because when they start they can't stop. I know people who can't eat peanut butter.

Not everyone is the same and therefore not all people are affected by drinks like the delicious, sent from heaven, Monster Zeros :)
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

If you didn't mean to lose weight, please see your physician.

I'm like that in the summer, esp. on hot days -- not much appetite. Maybe it's just that?
If you didn't mean to lose weight, please see your physician.

I'm like that in the summer, esp. on hot days -- not much appetite. Maybe it's just that?

Oh, I meant to. It took me almost 2 years but I lost almost 80 lbs and feel great. Thanks. My appetites back though,

By the way I went to that restaurant the other night. Some softball moms were yucking it up at the table next to me but when they left they left one of their to go boxes. Being the gentleman that I am I followed them out - they were all congregating at the exit saying their goodbyes to each other - I approached them and in my best, macho, baritone voice I asked, "Ladies is this something you intended to take with you?".

One of them smiled and said, "He he, yes that's mine thank you!" and took it.

My macho mission accomplished, my male musk purveyed - I headed back to my table - I was in their outdoor seating - when attempting to get back to my table I forgot there was only one entrance to the outdoor area - one opening bookended by two closed glass doors. Well it was dark and my eyesight isn't be best, so I walked, full speed right into one of the windowed doors. It made a horrible sound, like a sonic boom (I'm a fast walker). It was like one of those movie scenes where you hear the "tire screeching" sound effect - everything in the bar stopped and everyone looked to see which asshole walked into a door.

After that everyone came to my table, the bartender the manger, some of the customers all asking me "are you ok?".

I actually wasn't, but I was too embarrassed to say I "had an owie" after that "masterful move"! No way! The first part of my body that made contact with the window was my forehead and it's still bruised. I thought for a moment I dislocated my right shoulder but it's fine.

All in all.. just a normal night out for Lurch :)
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Just had one. BP normal, resting HR low 50's. All readings except potassium normal. So I eat a banana a day now.

A loss of appetite is an indicator of another issue. It could be benign or not.

A decreased appetite occurs when you have a reduced desire to eat. It may also be known as a poor appetite or loss of appetite. The medical term for this is anorexia.

A wide variety of conditions can cause your appetite to decrease. These range between mental and physical illnesses.

If you develop loss of appetite, you may also have related symptoms, such as weight loss or malnutrition. These can be serious if left untreated, so it’s important to find the reason behind your decreased appetite and treat it.
Has that ever happened to anyone? I got all "duded up" last night and headed out of my fav place for drinks and apps.. I got a few miles from my home and realized I'm not hungry. I have food and drinks at home I just came back and had a cocktail here.

Then I usually get hungry about 5am for breakfast - it's 730 and I'm still not.

I'm not sick, I feel fine.. have plenty of energy. If I'm not hungry by mid-afternoon I'll eat something, but I'm usually such a food hound.

I lost a bunch of weight recently, maybe it's my body telling me I'm starting to put some back on?

Smoking some weed will give you an apatite?!!
