I don't get it...


New member
You have a choice between a guy who, if nothing else, truly inspires people, and putting Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the oval office, for part IV of the Bush/Clinton dynasty?

Obama's doing well tonight, but CA looms large. Still, every time I hear a state called for Clinton, I'm like, "Who ARE these people?"

Then I see exit polls showing Obama winning every age group under 50; they're old people, who I don't really know. I'm starting to really dislike old people...
You have a choice between a guy who, if nothing else, truly inspires people, and putting Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the oval office, for part IV of the Bush/Clinton dynasty?

Obama's doing well tonight, but CA looms large. Still, every time I hear a state called for Clinton, I'm like, "Who ARE these people?"

Then I see exit polls showing Obama winning every age group under 50; they're old people, who I don't really know. I'm starting to really dislike old people...

I wonder if this is the same group of oldster dems that voted Bush in ?
You have a choice between a guy who, if nothing else, truly inspires people, and putting Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the oval office, for part IV of the Bush/Clinton dynasty?

Obama's doing well tonight, but CA looms large. Still, every time I hear a state called for Clinton, I'm like, "Who ARE these people?"

Then I see exit polls showing Obama winning every age group under 50; they're old people, who I don't really know. I'm starting to really dislike old people...

Obama doesn't really inspire me very much. But his done a great job of putting the PR out there that he's inspiring.
Old people are a more racist group...that's gotta be it.

In all honesty, I know only one racist under 40, and about 10-12 that are 40 and above. Now I'm becoming prejudice against old people..yikes
You have a choice between a guy who, if nothing else, truly inspires people, and putting Bill & Hillary Clinton back in the oval office, for part IV of the Bush/Clinton dynasty?

Obama's doing well tonight, but CA looms large. Still, every time I hear a state called for Clinton, I'm like, "Who ARE these people?"

Then I see exit polls showing Obama winning every age group under 50; they're old people, who I don't really know. I'm starting to really dislike old people...

You and me both. I don't get it either.
the limosine liberals like all the dems on this board love Obama, me included.
The numbers show people earning under $50,000 are overwhelmingly for Clinton.
I'm more for Obama than ever, Hillary wants to steal oil profits.
You have a choice between a guy who, if nothing else, truly inspires people

this is a myth. Guess why the people aren't supporting this guy? Because they didn't fall for the myth. So what you are really saying is, "why aren't you inspired by this guy like me? You should think the way I do"

ever stop and consider many people might be inspiried MORE by hillary clinton? Ever ponder that?

Get off the obamarama bandwagon and take a good look. Buzzwords and phrases like "change," and "yes we can" is all that he really offers. nothing more.
Old people are a more racist group...that's gotta be it.

In all honesty, I know only one racist under 40, and about 10-12 that are 40 and above. Now I'm becoming prejudice against old people..yikes

lol.. here we go...

"if you don't vote for obama you are a racist"
this is a myth. Guess why the people aren't supporting this guy? Because they didn't fall for the myth. So what you are really saying is, "why aren't you inspired by this guy like me? You should think the way I do"

ever stop and consider many people might be inspiried MORE by hillary clinton? Ever ponder that?

Get off the obamarama bandwagon and take a good look. Buzzwords and phrases like "change," and "yes we can" is all that he really offers. nothing more.

You're factually wrong; sorry about that, Grind.

Obama has inspired an entire new generation to get out & vote. Democrats have paid lip service & hoped beyond hope for the "youth vote" for decades, but it's never happened. Now, it is.

In case you didn't notice, Obama basically tied yesterday. This would have been unthinkable 2 months or even 2 weeks ago. If Terry McAulllife & Hillary's establishment didn't load up yesterday with 22 states (which they did to try to coronate her), Obama would have done even better - because when people see the guy & get to know him, they switch to him. Period.

He absolutely inspires people, in a way that the Hillary campaign does not. The Hillary movement is much more of a traditional "it's her turn" movement.

And you're wrong about Obama being all glitz & no substance; do you even watch the debates?
What are you talking about this would have been unthinkable two weeks ago? Everyone was jumping with glee that he was going to take down NH by double digits.


To suggest that ANYONE that comes into contact with obama falls in love with him, is INCREDIBLY arrogant. NOT EVERYONE AGREES WITH YOU.

You must be right though, Hillary doesn't inspire people, she just gets more votes and delegates and ends up winning the election.
You're political knowledge is laughable.

Hillary was triangulating just a few short months ago because this election was sewn up for her. Anyone who knows anything knows that Obama has made up an absolutely huge amount of ground, against name recognition to end all name recognition, in a very short period of time, to even this up.

Oh....and did I mention that he is out-fundraising Hillary by $3 to every $1?

Oops....guess he does inspire a few people there....
Im not suggesting he DOESN'T inspire people lorax (you're lorax, right?). All candidates inspire to some degree. Im SAYING that he doesn't inspire people to the degree that you THINK he does. I'm Saying that SOME people might still be inspiried by a woman, or the clinton legacy.... just because obama has the dumb uneducated mtv youth doesn't really mean too much to me.

You don't get it because you've blinded yourself to objectivity. NOT EVERYONE LIKES YOUR CANDIDATE.
You don't get it because you've blinded yourself to objectivity. NOT EVERYONE LIKES YOUR CANDIDATE.

I don't think I've ever implied, nor do I think, that everyone should.

However, if it's a choice between Obama & part IV of the Bush/Clinton soap opera, it is an absolute no brainer to me. Anyone who votes for Clinton loses my respect entirely, and I have no respect for the intelligence of that decision whatsoever.
I don't think I've ever implied, nor do I think, that everyone should.

However, if it's a choice between Obama & part IV of the Bush/Clinton soap opera, it is an absolute no brainer to me. Anyone who votes for Clinton loses my respect entirely, and I have no respect for the intelligence of that decision whatsoever.
